
Unicaja Banco joins Cáritas Diocesana de Toledo’s 'Empresas con Corazón' program

This program helps people and families in social exclusion in the Archdiocese of Toledo

06 NOV 2023

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco and Cáritas Diocesana de Toledo have signed an agreement for the development of the program ‘Empresas con Corazón’, which aims to help the socially excluded in the Archdiocese of Toledo.

Likewise, Unicaja Banco has made an economic contribution to finance several of Cáritas programs, contributing to the payment of supplies, rents and medicines.


The agreement has been signed by Unicaja Banco’s Territorial Manager of Commercial Banking in Castilla-La Mancha, José María Cortés, and by the Administrator of Cáritas Diocesana de Toledo, Ramón Martín, in the presence of the Head of Empresas con Corazón, Marisa Martínez.


The bank has thus formalized the collaboration it has been carrying out for years in the various initiatives organized by Cáritas, such as the Fiesta for Women and Life, being an official sponsor since the first edition.


The Administrator of Cáritas Diocesana de Toledo has highlighted ‘the commitment that the bank has always maintained with Cáritas’, being an example for other organizations. He also thanked ‘the collaboration of the workers with the entity’.


For his part, José María Cortés has said that ‘this collaboration is fully in line with Unicaja Banco’s sustainability strategy and allows us to contribute with our support to the most disadvantaged groups, keeping us closer to society in an area such as Toledo, where our entity is so deeply rooted’.


Unicaja Banco will also facilitate the dissemination, on a regular basis, of the common projects and activities of Cáritas Diocesana, encouraging employees to collaborate in the actions promoted.



‘Empresas con Corazón’


‘Empresas con Corazón’ is a Caritas program that seeks collaboration with the business world with the aim of involving economic agents in the development of social welfare and combine these two wills with a common purpose: to help those who need it most in all their poverty. 


Cáritas Diocesana de Toledo looks for an ally in the business sector to transmit those values that allow building a fairer and more caring society, since companies can be important drivers of social change through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).


Unicaja Banco takes on the challenge of sustainability as an opportunity for the development and improvement of its daily activity. In this line, it has also promoted lines of action related to sustainability in its social aspect, such as the promotion of financial education; the adhesion in 2013 to the United Nations Global Compact; its support since 2017 to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or the participation in the Social Housing Fund, among other initiatives.

  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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