
Unicaja Banco and UPSA will award projects of social impact and technological innovation of students from Salamanca schools and high schools

The submitted projects are eligible for 10 prizes, with a maximum of 500 euros, which will be shared with NGOs and not-for-profit associations in the province

06 NOV 2023

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco and the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (UPSA) have announced a new edition of the Talent Junior contest, which rewards the best social innovation projects developed by students from schools and high schools in Salamanca. In addition, the economic endowment of the awards will be shared with various not-for-profit associations in the province of Salamanca committed to social inclusion.


Once again, Unicaja Banco and the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (UPSA), through the Department for Research and Educational Innovation and within the framework of the University Innovation Club (CUI, Centro Universitario de Innovación), have opened a new call for Talent Junior with which they intend to promote talent and social innovation of Salamanca students, as well as to promote knowledge transfer.


This initiative is aimed at students of compulsory secondary education, baccalaureate and vocational training in the province of Salamanca. The products and projects developed by the students must be innovative, have a social purpose and be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


In addition, all projects submitted will be eligible for a total of ten prizes of up to 500 euros, which will be shared with NGOs and not-for-profit associations in the province of Salamanca dedicated to social inclusion. The deadline for submitting projects is 15 December 2023.


Unicaja Banco and the UPSA have a collaboration agreement in this regard, with the aim of promoting talent and social innovation of Salamanca's non-university students, as well as promoting the transfer of knowledge in Salamanca's society. Both entities share their commitment to social inclusion and collaborate closely with not-for-profit organizations.


In this sense, Talent Junior is an initiative that fulfills the commitments to promote the exchange of talent, knowledge, creativity and technology between students and institutions and economic and social agents.


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