Convenio Caser y  Universidad de León

Caser and Unicaja Banco will award the best works of students from the Ponferrada Campus of the University of Leon

A collaboration agreement signed today sets the sponsorship of the awards, which will be presented at the opening ceremony of the academic year

15 DEC 2023

2 Min reading

This morning, the University of Leon hosted the signing of a collaboration agreement between the academic institution, the insurance company Caser and Unicaja Banco, aimed at sponsoring the awards for the best Bachelor's and Master's Degree Final Projects on the Ponferrada campus.


The agreement that makes these awards possible was signed by the Vice-Chancellor  of the ULE, Juan Francisco García Marín, and by the executive director of Unicaja Banco's Account at Caser, Federico Marqués Sánchez, in the presence of the head of Commercial Banking of Unicaja Banco in Castilla y León Norte, Marga Serna.


The awards will be called Premios Caser de Mentorazgo del Campus de Ponferrada de la Universidad de León and those corresponding to the current year will be presented next September, on the occasion of the opening of the new academic year 2024-2025.



This initiative is part of the long-standing collaboration between Unicaja Banco and the ULE, which last June renewed their financial collaboration agreement for another year, benefiting both the academic institution itself and its staff and enrolled students. It should be noted that both entities maintain a historical and positive relationship, which has been going on for 46 years.


At the ULE there are more than 10,000 students enrolled in undergraduate and master's degrees, a figure to which add PhD students and students from international programs such as Erasmus.

In the degrees taught at the Ponferrada Campus, the number of students currently enrolled is 732.


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