
Edufinet Project collaborates with the play 'Las cosas fáciles', which promotes the financial and digital inclusion of senior citizens

The objective is to promote the independence and autonomy of the elderly in the management of their personal finances

07 DEC 2023

3 Min reading

Unicaja's Edufinet Project and Blanca Marsillach's Theater Company will stage next Monday, 11 December, in the city of Malaga a play that aims to promote the financial and digital inclusion of the elderly.


The play, which is sponsored by Funcas Educa, will take place in the Sala Unicaja de Conciertos María Cristina in Malaga in two sessions (10.00 and 12.00 hours).


'Las cosas fáciles' is the title of this play, which aims to give visibility to the relationship of senior citizens with technology and finance, as well as to enhance their training, in order to seek their independence and autonomy in the management of personal finances and awareness of existing risks in terms of cybersecurity and its proper management.


It is a comedy written and directed by Alberto Velasco and starring actors Cristina Izquierdo and Sila Sicilia, which has been created expressly for this project, serving as a bridge between the financial inclusion of senior citizens and culture.


The play focuses on the situation of the elderly when it comes to accessing the new financial world, giving them tools for active aging in terms of their economic and digital independence, providing them with the necessary means to gain autonomy in the management of their personal finances.


The premiere of 'Las cosas fáciles' took place in Madrid on 26 October at the Teatro Bellas Artes, and was sponsored by the actor Antonio Resines and the former athlete Fernando Romay. This is not the first collaboration between the Edufinet Project and Blanca Marsillach's Theater Company, as last year a play was also staged to bring financial education closer to young people.


Within the framework of the capillarity which characterizes the entities associated with CECA, 'Las cosas fáciles' is touring a large part of Spain with the aim of bringing the initiative closer to the greatest number of people, as well as promoting financial inclusion at a national level. So far, the tour has visited more than ten cities in Comunidad Valenciana, Aragón, Extremadura, the Basque Country, Castilla-La Mancha, Madrid, Galicia and Andalusia.


On the other hand, as part of another project promoted by Fundación Unicaja, Blanca Marsillach’s Company will perform another play at the Sala Unicaja de Conciertos María Cristina in Malaga on 18 and 19 December, aimed at students of Secondary and Baccalaureate.



Edufinet Project


The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, has been running for nearly 20 years and is one of the pioneering financial education programs in the country. Its objective is to guarantee the financial inclusion of all demographics, especially the youngest and those over 65 years of age.


Throughout this time, the Edufinet Project has won several awards; the last of them on 28 November, when it received the first prize in the Financial Education category, in the Over 65 years old section, of the CECA Social Work and Financial Education Awards 2022. Specifically, the award highlighted the work carried out to transfer to this group knowledge and skills that enable them to manage their finances with greater autonomy, as well as to improve their skills in the use of digital banking.


  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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