
Unicaja Banco loans a painting by Antonio Suárez to the Museum of Fine Arts of Asturias for a retrospective of the artist

The bank once again lends a work to this museum to pay tribute to the Asturian artist of the El Paso group

01 DEC 2023

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco collaborates once again with Asturian culture through the temporary loan to the Museum of Fine Arts of Asturias of the painting entitled 'Pintura', which is part of the exhibition 'Antonio Suárez. La lírica del informalismo' (Antonio Suárez. The lyrics of informalism), which pays tribute to this artist of the El Paso group in the year that marks the centenary of his birth and the tenth anniversary of his death.


The retrospective of the Asturian artist, which can be visited until 28 January, is curated by the art historian Ana Gago and includes a selection of 33 works carried out between 1948 and 1965, owned by the museum and other entities, including Unicaja Banco.


The exhibition focuses on Suárez's paintings on canvas and paper and spans from the late 1940s to 1965, the years that mark his evolution from figurative impressionism to abstraction and informalism.


Apart from these paintings, the regional museum presents 11 more works related to Suárez's graphic facet, which can be seen in rooms 10 and 11 of the Casa de Oviedo-Portal.



Unicaja Banco’s support to culture


The temporary loan of this painting is part of Unicaja Banco's support for culture and its artistic manifestations in general, and in Asturias in particular, as part of its commitment to this region, one of its main areas of origin and where it is a leading financial institution.


In fact, Unicaja Banco has already collaborated recently in another exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts of Asturias; specifically, in 'Escanciando. Representaciones de la sidra asturiana en las artes plásticas', whose theme was the culture and traditions of Asturian cider and which included three works loaned by the bank.

  • Institucional

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