
Unicaja Banco eliminates fees for customers making withdrawals of more than 120 euros at the Valladolid Provincial Council's Mobile ATM

The Provincial Council of Valladolid thanks the bank for the effort to "support a social service that seeks, mainly, to eliminate the risks of financial exclusion in rural areas"

29 DEC 2023

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco has announced its decision to withdraw fees to its customers for cash withdrawals at the mobile ATM service of the Valladolid Provincial Council, which covers 175 towns in the province. This will apply when making withdrawals of 120 euros or more.


The first vice-president of the Valladolid Provincial Council, Víctor Alonso, has held a working meeting with representatives of three financial institutions, Unicaja Banco, Cajamar and Caja Rural de Zamora, to thank them for their support to the Mobile ATM Service implemented by the provincial institution, as well as for "their involvement in supporting a social service that seeks, mainly, to eliminate the risks of financial exclusion in rural areas".


The vice-president Víctor Alonso has pointed out that "these three financial institutions have a very high percentage of customers in our towns, due to the historical link that they have with the rural world" and has stressed that Valladolid Provincial Council will continue "working to further improve the conditions of a fundamental service for the people who live in our towns".


Unicaja Banco, Cajamar and Caja Rural de Zamora have expressed their full support for this initiative, which represents a new service for their customers in the small towns of the province of Valladolid.

  • Institucional


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