
Unicaja Banco implements a new manager service in branches to assist customers in the use of digital channels

A team of 150 digitalization managers offers customers support so that they can familiarize themselves with the use of digital channels

20 DEC 2023

4 Min reading

Unicaja Banco incorporates the figure of the digitalization manager in those branches of the commercial network with the highest volume of customers. The bank has initially assigned 150 professionals to these functions, who play a key role in the digital transformation of society in general and of banking in particular.


The possibility of carrying out transactions without time or location limits and without having to go to branches, simply by using a cell phone, tablet or computer, allows customers to simplify and streamline their financial transactions, making tasks easier, as well as saving time.


In view of this situation, the service offered by Unicaja Banco's digitalization manager is not only limited to the use of technology itself, but it also features a didactic and human approach, through a tailored support to the customer who needs it, with the aim of easily acquiring the confidence and skills necessary to carry out these transactions with greater security.


The main goal of this initiative is to provide close and tailored support for customers to learn, simplify and streamline their financial transactions through the advantages offered by the use of other channels, such as the website, app, ATM or telephone.


Therefore, digitalization managers not only facilitate the use of technology to those customers most affected by the digital gap, but also assists those who intend to perform more complex operations through digital banking, in a secure environment.


Digitalization managers are professionals who follow an ongoing training plan on digital commercial products or digital banking and ATM operations, among other topics. They also assist customers by providing advice on cybersecurity to resolve doubts about possible fraud attempts.


This service will allow Unicaja Banco to promote the use of digital channels as a complement to its branch network, helping each customer to easily choose and combine the different alternatives available, depending on the one that best suits their needs at any given time.


The workstations of the digitalization managers in the branches are properly identified and signposted to offer a close service to customers. In any case, they will also be able to attend by telephone to those users who want to make a transaction through digital banking.



Other measures to support digitalization


The digitalization managers service joins other initiatives developed by Unicaja Banco as part of its social commitment and the sectoral agreement signed in 2022 to improve service for vulnerable groups, including senior citizens.


After joining this strategic protocol promoted by the sector to reinforce the social and sustainable commitment of the banking sector, Unicaja Banco also implemented another series of measures.


Those include the extension of the service hours from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for cash services, provided at the teller window or at the ATM; specific training for employees and customers; the establishment of a toll-free phone service from Monday to Saturday, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; the improvement of the accessibility and simplicity of the ATM network, and the commitment to repair ATMs that are out of service to ensure the supply of cash within a maximum of two working days.


In addition, agreements have been signed with regional administrations to help reduce the digital divide through the development of training activities and communication processes adapted to senior citizens.


On the other hand, in some provinces, especially in rural areas, Unicaja Banco has reached agreements with public administrations (provincial councils or town halls) to enable the maintenance of financial services, including the installation of ATMs in areas of low population density or where there is little financial supply.


With all these initiatives, Unicaja Banco continues to move towards a multi-channel model, taking advantage of all the benefits of new technologies and complementing the service provided by its network of branches and ATMs to continue offering customers a close, simple and quality service.

  • Productos y servicios

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