
Unicaja Banco offers a remuneration of up to 4% APR (3.94%NIR) for the direct deposit of salaries and improves its offer with up to 250 euros (subject to certain conditions)

This promotional campaign will be in force until 31 March

24 JAN 2024

7 Min reading

Unicaja Banco offers a bonus for the direct deposit1 of salaries or pensions, signing up for a credit card and Digital Banking, and for this purpose, remunerates the balance with 4% APR2 (3.94% NIR), up to 5,000 euros, for the first two years.


The bank improves its offer and, optionally, customers can also join the campaign to get 250 euros3 for the direct deposit of salaries or pensions. In that case, the requirement to maintain the direct deposit for two years apply.


This promotional campaign (remuneration of up to 4% APR and bonus of up to 250 euros) will be in force until 31 March and is aimed at both new and existing customers, provided that they arrange the direct deposit of their salary or pension with Unicaja Banco for the first time.


The bank remunerates with up to 4% APR during the first two years to customers who, through their branch, arrange the direct deposit of their salary or pension for the first time, for an amount equal to or greater than 800 euros net per month, and sign up for a credit card, Digital Banking. During the first two years, these customers will not have to pay any fees2 for account or card maintenance or online transfers.


Customers who arrange for the first time the direct deposit of their salary or pension at Unicaja Banco, for an amount equal to or greater than 800 euros, can also receive up to 250 euros. To do so, it is necessary to maintain the direct deposit for two years. Customers can sign up for this bonus online or at branches.


For a salary or pension between 800 and 1,999 euros, the bonus will be 150 euros, and it will increase up to 250 euros if it is higher than 2,000 euros3.





With the direct deposit of the salary or pension, customers can also benefit from advantages in the main banking products and services, such as the possibility of obtaining an overdraft account or a salary advance4. Additionally, Unicaja Banco advances the payment of the pension to the 25th of each month (or the following working day).


These advantages add up to others offered to Unicaja Banoc customers, such as discounts at gas and electricity with Naturgy5, 5% discount at IKEA6 and other bonus available at





 (1) Intended for new customers and existing individual customers. The customer acting as first holder of the account must have a salary or pension of €800 or more per month deposited by direct debit for the first time and keep it deposited, sign up for a credit card associated with the Salary Account and be a holder of the Contract of Adhesion to the Remote banking services of Unicaja Banco. Only one Salary Account per customer is allowed. Not compatible with other promotions for the direct deposit of salary or pension. Meeting the requirements during the first two years of the contract: 3.94% NIR (4.00% APR). The maximum average balance to be remunerated in the Salary account is €5,000. Interest is paid quarterly. Representative example of settlement of the account calculated on the assumption of a daily balance of 5,000 € constant for two years, the gross interest amounts to 49.263 €/quarter. Total interest first year: €197.05. Total interest second year: €197.05.

Not meeting the requirements: 0.00% NIR (-2.38% APR) calculated on the assumption of a constant daily balance of €5,000 for two years, an account maintenance fee of €30/quarter has been considered. Without interest. For the calculation of the APR, the observation c) of Annex 7 of Bank of Spain Circular No. 5/2012 has been taken into account, according to which a year has 365 days (in the case of leap years, 366), 52 weeks or twelve standardized months. A normalized month has 30.41666 days (i.e. 365/12), regardless of whether the year is a leap year. The remuneration of the account is subject to taxation and is classified for tax purposes as income from movable capital obtained from the transfer of equity to third parties, pursuant to Article 25.2 of the Personal Income Tax Law 35/2006 currently in force. UNICAJA BANCO will withhold the income tax on account of Personal Income Tax, pursuant to Article 74.1 of the Personal Income Tax Law, without passing this cost on to the customer and will pay it on behalf of the beneficiary. The tax repercussions that obtaining the incentive may have on the taxation of the beneficiary will be for the account of the beneficiary, and UNICAJA BANCO is relieved of any liability.

(2) No account maintenance fees, no credit card fees (except for MasterCard FIT and co-branded cards), no fees for online transfers (excluding immediate transfers and OMF) during the first 2 years. The rest of the years it remains at 0 euros/year if the conditions of the Fee-Free plan are met, which can be found at

(3) Promotion valid until 31 March 2024. For those people who deposit for the first time in Unicaja Banco a salary or pension of between 800 and 1,999 euros (with a bonus of 150 euros) or more than 2,000 euros (with a bonus of 250 euros) and adhere to the promotion through our Digital Banking during the duration of the campaign. Commitment of remain in the bank for 24 uninterrupted months. The bonus is subject to taxation and has the tax classification of income from movable capital obtained from the transfer to third parties of own capital, under art. 25.2 of the current Personal Income Tax Law 35/2006. Unicaja Banco will withhold and pay IRPF on account, pursuant to article 74.2 of the RIRPF, without passing on the cost of such payment to the customer.

(4) Granting subject to the bank's criteria. 

(5) Naturgy Privilege: Conditions of the offer Tarifa por Uso Loyal Luz: Offer valid for residential customers (individuals) signing up for the Tarifa por Uso Loyal Luz with  access fee 2.0TD, contracted power ≤ 15 kW and without Social Bonus. Rate without commitment to remain. Conditions of the Tarifa Por Uso Loyal Gas: Offer valid for residential customers (individuals) signing up for Gas with Tarifa Por Uso Loyal Gas (ATR RL1, RL2 and RL3 rates). Rates without commitment to remain. For maintenance service: Displacement in less than 3 hours and 3 hours of work included, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

(6) IKEA Privilege: Exclusive offer for Unicaja Banco customers who have a current mortgage, loan, credit card or life insurance with the institution and who make purchases on the IKEA online store ( Customers must prove their eligibility by means of their username and login password to the Unicaja Banco Digital Banking service. A 5% discount will be applied on the price of any product purchases from €80 (excluding from said amounts decoration advice, assembly, transport and installation services). The discount will automatically be reflected on the IKEA online store shopping cart. For any product purchases exceeding €500 (excluding from said amount decoration advice, assembly, transport and installation services), a 5% discount on the price of said products will be applied in addition to a free personal designer service. Both promotions will automatically be reflected in the shopping cart on the IKEA online store. The cost of the decoration project amounts to €59 and must be paid in advance, subsequently discounting said amount of €59 when a purchase exceeding €500 is made. These offers will be applicable to two independent uses or purchases (of either type) per customer made as indicated above until 31 March 2024. This offer will be valid for any purchases made on our portal and on the IKEA.ES online store until 31 March 2024. This offer does not apply to physical stores. Shipping to the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla are excluded from the offer.

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