
Unicaja offers a life insurance policy with a 10% discount by including optional coverage for diseases such as prostate cancer

This new campaign, valid until March 29, can be subscribed at Unicaja branches

20 MAR 2024

3 Min reading

Unicaja, within the framework of the life insurance policies Univida Annual Renewable and Vida Libre Pymes (managed through Unicorp Vida, a company owned by the financial institution and Santalucía), offers a 10% discount on the net premium for the first year in new contracts that include optional coverage for the diagnosis of invasive malignant prostate cancer, acute myocardial infarction or stroke with permanent sequelae.


This discount is part of a campaign that will be in force at the financial institution's branches until 29 March. In the event of a diagnosis, these optional coverages guarantee additional capital to meet any expenses that may arise.


These insurance policies include other optional coverages such as breast cancer diagnosis, which also guarantees additional capital to meet any expenses that may arise.


In the case of the current 10% discount campaign, an additional capital equal to the sum insured for death, with a maximum of 60,000 euros, is available in the event of a diagnosis of invasive malignant prostate cancer, acute myocardial infarction or stroke with permanent sequelae.


In the event of diagnosis of the pathologies indicated above, this additional capital allows the client to adapt to their new personal and work situation, while maintaining the rest of the policy coverages in force.

Univida Annual Renewable and Vida Libre Pymes also cover, in the event of death, the balance pending payment on cards issued by Unicaja, with a maximum limit of up to 1,500 euros.


Other advantages


Other advantages include a pharmacogenetics service, which, in the event of the diagnosis of certain serious illnesses, allows a state-of-the-art genetic study to be carried out in order to receive the most appropriate and personalized treatment, as well as a free service for the partial self-assessment of the Inheritance and Gift Tax on life insurance.


On the other hand, Unicaja has adapted its offer to the decree-law that establishes the right to erasure of oncological data, which implies better protection through its range of life insurance policies. Thus, the fact that the customer may have suffered from cancer is not taken into account, provided that five years or more have elapsed since overcoming and completing the treatment.



Seguro contratado con Unicorp Vida a través de Unimediación S.L.U., operador de banca-seguros vinculado, inscrito en el Registro Administrativo Especial de Distribuidores de Seguros de la Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones con nº inscripción OV-0010, actuando a través de la red de Unicaja Banco, S.A. Concertado seguro de responsabilidad civil de acuerdo a la legislación vigente. Puede consultar las compañías aseguradoras con las que Unimediación, S.L.U. tiene contrato suscrito:

Primas y prestaciones de este seguro sujetas a normativa fiscal vigente.


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