
Unicaja collaborates with the Valladolid City Council and shops in a discount voucher campaign to support retail businesses

As part of this initiative, 15,840 coupons worth 10 euros each will be made available to the public

01 APR 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja is once again collaborating in a new edition of the campaign through which the City Council of Valladolid, in collaboration with Avadeco, Fecosva and the Chamber of Commerce, provide citizens with discount vouchers to support and boost the sales of small businesses.


The initiative, which will take place from 3 April to 8 May, is financed by the Valladolid City Council, within the framework of the collaboration agreement with Avadeco, Fecosva and the Chamber of Commerce, for the promotion and modernization of local retail trade.


The voucher is an incentive that will encourage more people in Valladolid to go to local stores. Therefore, the objective is not only to boost the sales of small businesses, but, in general, to make citizens aware of the importance of preserving the fabric of local commerce.


This new edition, which was presented this Monday at the City Hall of Valladolid, with the presence of the Councillor for Trade, Markets and Consumer Affairs, Victor Martin, the president of Avadeco, Rafael Monedero, the president of Fecosva, Jesus Herreras, the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce of Valladolid, Javier Labarga, and Unicaja’s regional manager for Valladolid Center, José Manuel Matilla, is launched supported by the good results obtained in previous campaigns: 700 participating shops, 28. 900 users and a total of 123,450 vouchers redeemed, which generated a return to the city of more than six million euros.


On this occasion, a total of 15,840 vouchers will be launched, over five weeks. On Wednesdays at 09.00 a.m., for a value of 10 euros, consumers will be able to obtain a maximum of two discount vouchers per ID card.


Once downloaded, customers will have 72 hours to make their purchases. If they do not do so within this time, the voucher will become available again for another customer or for themselves, thus the campaign tries to avoid the loss of the vouchers.


The vouchers can be redeemed in the shop participating in the campaign: one voucher for purchases over 30 euros and two if the purchase is over 70 euros.

  • Institucional

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