
Unicaja collaborates with the Bilbao School Duathlon, in which fifty athletes participate

The event, which reaches its seventh edition, is aimed at young people between 9 and 14 years of age

29 APR 2024

2 Min reading

Fifty young athletes between 9 and 14 years participated last Saturday, 27 Apri, in the Bilbao School Duathlon, which combines athletics and cycling. This event, now in its seventh edition, has counted, as in previous years, with the collaboration of Unicaja.


The young participants, from clubs and schools such as Mugarra Durango, Vibike Gasteiz, Sestao TT or Mozoilo, had to complete a first part of the race on foot, followed by another one on bike, to finish with a last part running again.


The distances were different depending on the category of the participants: under-14 (born between 2010 and 2011), under-12 (between 2012 and 2013) and under-10 (between 2014 and 2015).


Specifically, in the under-10 category, participants began with 500 meters on foot, followed by two kilometers on bicycle and finished with another 250 meters running.


In the case of the under-12, the race was one kilometer on foot, four kilometers on bicycle and 500 meters running.


Finally, the race for the under-14 was divided, first, into two kilometers running, then six kilometers cycling and, finally, one kilometer on foot.



Support of Unicaja


Unicaja's collaboration in this duathlon is part of the bank’s support for the practice of sport in general and the values it represents, especially among children and young people.


One of Unicaja's objectives is to contribute to the promotion of sports as a driver of social integration, in line with its work to promote sustainability. In fact, it collaborates in other events of this type, such as the duathlon in the town of Erandio (Vizcaya).


  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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