
Unicaja collaborates with the tenth edition of the Ultra Sierra Nevada mountain race, which has more than 1,500 registered participants

This race, one of the most renowned in Spain and Europe and which includes distances ranging from 25 to 100 kilometers

02 APR 2024

2 Min reading

Ultra Sierra Nevada, the highest altitude ultramarathon in the Iberian Peninsula and one of the most renowned at national and European level, has surpassed 1,500 registrations for its tenth edition, which will take place on 5, 6 and 7 April and is co-sponsored by Unicaja.


This year's edition of the Ultra Sierra Nevada includes five categories (Ultra, Trail, Marathon, Half and Relay) and four distances (100, 60, 42 and 25 kilometers), including routes from Granada and its province to the ski resort of Sierra Nevada; specifically, to Pradollano, where the finish line of all the races will be set.


Among the new features for this year, a new race category stands out, in addition to the existing ones (Ultra, Trail, Marathon and Half): the Ultra Relay Race, of 100 kilometers, divided into three sections (Granada-Quéntar, Quéntar-Dornajo and Dornajo-Pradollano).


The start of the Ultra and Relay races (100 kilometers) will take place this Friday, 5 April, at 10 p.m., in the center of Granada, at the foot of the Alhambra and the Generalife Monumental Complex. The Trail race (60 kilometers) will start the next day, Saturday 6, at 06.00 am, in the town of Cenes de la Vega.


The Marathon (42 kilometers) will also take place on Saturday, but starting at 08.00 a.m., also starting in Cenes de la Vega. And, finally, the Half Marathon (25 kilometers) will start at 09.00 a.m. on Sunday 7 in Pinos Genil.



Support to Sierra Nevada


Unicaja's sponsorship of this race is part of the bank’s support for the practice of sport in general and the values it represents, and especially for the ski and mountain resort of Sierra Nevada, with which it has maintained close ties for years.


More specifically, the collaboration with Sierra Nevada, managed by the public company Cetursa, responds to Unicaja's interest in strengthening support for the productive fabric and the sectors that drive economic development and employment, both in Andalusia in general and in the province of Granada in particular.

  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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