
Unicaja offers its customers discounts and rebates on their card purchases with the new EURO 6000 Plus Program

EURO 6000 Plus is a program that offers a wide range of discounts on more than 130 well-known brands in various sectors: fashion, clothing, footwear, travel...

16 APR 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja, together with EURO 6000, offers its customers with cards for private use the new discount program EURO 6000 Plus (so far called Programa Privilegios), with which they have access to many discounts, as well as rebates on different brands of clothing, travel or restaurants, among others.


With the restructuring and improvement of the program, globally recognized brands are included, and the offer is diversified, applying both direct discounts and rebates for purchases, in addition to offering a wide range of offers for all types of customers: fashion, clothing and accessories, sports, electronics, beauty and health, home and food, leisure and entertainment, marketplace, pets and garages.


This program can be used together with the wide variety of cards offered by Unicaja, both credit and debit cards, which are suitable for day-to-day use, as they allow multiple transactions, such as debit cash withdrawals at ATMs and also have various forms of credit payment for purchases.


Recently, the bank has updated its range of credit, debit and prepaid cards with the aim of making them more sustainable, as they are manufactured with 100% recycled materials, and with a new design with elements based on nature.


EURO 6000 Plus Programa


EURO 6000 Plus is a program that offers a wide range of discounts on more than 130 well-known brands in various sectors: fashion, clothing, footwear, travel, electronics, computers, etc.


This program is free of charge for customers, who must access it through Unicaja's Digital Banking (web version) to consult the different brands and their available discounts or rebates.


To benefit from these discounts, customers have to register for the program through the 'Sweepstakes and promotions' (‘Sorteos y promociones’) tab of Digital Banking (web version), and then select the account in which they want to receive the rebates for the purchases made (for the offers that have them).


Once registered, it will be necessary to follow this same access route to make purchases with any of Unicaja's cards for private use in order for the benefits to be applied.

  • Productos y servicios

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