
Unicaja participates in the 50th Anniversary of the Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos collaborating with the Gastronomic Week

Foto: Juan Carlos Monroy

- It will be held from 8 to 12 April and will have the participation of renowned chefs such as Adolfo Muñoz, Iván Cerdeño or Carlos San Félix

08 APR 2024

3 Min reading

The Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos in Toledo, a center belonging to the Health Service of Castilla-La Mancha (SESCAM), has inaugurated its Gastronomic Week, which will take place from 8 to 12 April. An initiative that has the collaboration of Unicaja and is part of the events planned to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the hospital.


During these days, patients will be able to taste healthy menus with typical dishes of the gastronomy of our country, prepared by renowned chefs such as Adolfo Muñoz, Iván Cerdeño or Carlos San Félix.


The inauguration of this culinary event was attended by the general manager of Humanization and Social and Health Care of the Ministry of Health of Castilla-La Mancha, Mª Teresa Marín; the head of Nursing of the Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos, Mª Jesús Bocos; and, on behalf of Unicaja, the deputy head of Commercial Banking of Castilla-La Mancha, Elías Lorenzo.


It was also attended by the renowned Toledo restaurateur, Adolfo Muñoz; the chef, Iván Cerdeño and the pastry chef, Carlos San Félix, who will participate in this initiative with their proposals for healthy menus, along with the former contestant of the culinary program MasterChef and former patient of the Hospital de Parapléjicos, Sonsoles Conde, and the cooks of the said hospital, Rodrigo Pedraza and Diego Toledo.


The Gastronomic Week of the Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos, which will be coordinated by the head of the Nutrition Unit of the center, Marta Garcia Diaz, has the collaboration of the catering company SERUNION, as well as of Unicaja, which has made a financial donation for the purchase of the food with which the healthy menus will be prepared.


This collaboration demonstrates the bank's involvement in initiatives that generate benefits for society, especially in the areas where it operates, such as Toledo and Castilla-La Mancha. This action is in line with Unicaja's promotion of sustainability. 



Haute cuisine with healthy menus


On the first day of the Gastronomic Week, 8 April, the two Michelin-starred chef from Toledo, Iván Cerdeño, will be in charge of preparing the menu with products from the gastronomy of Castilla-La Mancha.


On April 9, it will be the renowned restaurateur from Toledo, Adolfo Muñoz, who will prepare the menu for the patients, while on 10 April, the chef of the Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos, Rodrigo Pedraza, will share the preparation of the menu with the famous pastry chef, Carlos San Felix, who will be in charge of preparing the dessert of the day.


On Thursday 11, it will be the MasterChef participant and former patient of the Hospital de Parapléjicos, Sonsoles Conde, who will delight diners with the preparation of her menu. In addition, that same afternoon, Conde will give a motivational talk to patients at the center to let them know what their new life is like after spinal cord injury.


Finally, on 12 April, the menu prepared by the chef of the Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos, Diego Toledo, will put the finishing touch to this culinary event.


The menus that will make up the Gastronomic Week will also be served in the hospital cafeteria, so that family members and professionals of the center can taste them and thus participate in this initiative.

  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa


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