
Unicaja sponsors an informative breakfast on cybersecurity organized by Club Diálogos para la Democracia

Held in Malaga, the forum has highlighted the importance of this subject, both for companies, public administrations and society

04 APR 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja has sponsored the informative breakfast of Club Diálogos para la Democracia held this Thursday in Malaga and focused on cybersecurity, given the importance of this subject both for companies and public administrations as well as for society in general.


The conference was attended by the Mayor of Malaga, Francisco de la Torre; the Minister of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Antonio Sanz; the head of Institutional Relations and Public Policy of Google Spain, Miguel Escassi; the operational director of the Department of National Security of the Presidency of the Government, Alfredo Ortega, and the director of the National Cybersecurity Coordination Center of the National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE), Ignacio González.


With the sponsorship of Promálaga, in addition to that of Unicaja, Club Diálogos para la Democracia organized this informative breakfast at the Google Cybersecurity Center in Malaga with an audience of more than 100 people from different institutions and companies. The event was also broadcast in streaming.


Club Diálogos para la Democracia


Club Diálogos para la Democracia is made up of a team of professionals and political and business personalities with a clear objective: to serve as a meeting point for debate and analysis of reality, contributing ideas and solutions to the problems of democratic society. To this end, in its 45 years of existence, the Club Diálogos para la Democracia has had the participation of outstanding members from the political and business world and professionals from different backgrounds who participate in the various seminars, workshops, working breakfasts and colloquium dinners that the Club organizes every year in the main Spanish cities.


Club Diálogos para la Democracia aims to contribute to building an increasingly tolerant and open society, always independently of any financial, political or business group, while maintaining a markedly pluralist character. Club Diálogos para la Democracia, since its foundation in 1976, has had in its management body outstanding members from all fields.

  • Institucional

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