
Unicaja and SIAC Cuenca collaborate in a new CAP campaign

Farmers and livestock breeders can easily process the CAP through SIAC Cuenca and access the advance payment of aid from the financial institution

17 APR 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja and the Sindicato Independiente Agropecuario de Cuenca (SIAC) collaborate one more year in the aid campaign of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). In this way, farmers and livestock breeders of the province will be able to process the subsidy easily through SIAC and benefit from special financial conditions in Unicaja if they arrange for the direct payment of the aids in the institution; such as the advance payment of the subsidy.


This new agreement, signed by Unicaja’s regional manager of Commercial Banking, Almudena Noheda, and the representative of SIAC in Cuenca, Javier de la Vega Mercado, guarantees a quality service in the management and advance payment of aids, in addition to meeting the financial needs that farmers and livestock breeders may have.


In this way, the members of this organization who deposit their application file with Unicaja will be able to receive the amount of the advance payment quickly and easily and benefit from the complete range of financial products and services that the entity makes available to them.


In this sense, Unicaja has allocated around 800 million euros in a line of pre-approved loans, both for advance payment of aids and to finance the modernization and improvement of farms.


In addition, Unicaja has signed an agreement with the Government of Castilla-La Mancha to make special financing conditions available to farmers and livestock breeders in the region, with the aim of injecting liquidity into the agricultural sector.



Commitment to the sector


Unicaja's commitment to continuous support for agriculture translates into the provision of financial, protection and advisory services, as well as the development of specific agreements, aware of the importance of being next to professionals in the agricultural and livestock sector in order to contribute to the economic boost of Cuenca and Castilla-La Mancha.


In this sense, collaboration with the SIAC facilitates proximity to farmers, making it possible to detect the needs of these professionals and offer them specialized advice.


SIAC is a collaborating entity of the CAP, so the attention to its members is fully guaranteed. The organization has historically represented farmers and livestock breeders in the province of Cuenca since 1977 and today provides its services throughout the province through its technical team.

  • Institucional
  • Productos y servicios


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