
The BCL trophy visits Unicaja headquarters

Fans can take pictures with the trophy won in Belgrade by Unicaja team in the bank's premises on Avenida de Andalucía

14 MAY 2024

2 Min reading

The trophy that accredits Unicaja Baloncesto as this year's Basketball Champions League (BCL) champion visited the headquarters of Unicaja, its main sponsor, on Tuesday.


Fans who came to the bank's headquarters on Avenida de Andalucía were able to see this trophy and take pictures with it.


Unicaja Baloncesto won the BCL last 28 April at the Belgrade Arena in the Serbian capital. After this conquest, the team celebrated the victory the next day with the fans.


The team toured the city in a convertible bus, leaving from the Los Guindos Sports Center and making stops to offer the trophy to all the people of Malaga, at the headquarters of Unicaja in the Plaza de la Marina and at the City Hall. The tour ended at the Santuario de la Victoria, where the team made a floral offering to the patron saint.


This title is the sixth in the history of the Malaga team, owned by Fundación Unicaja and sponsored by the financial institution Unicaja since 1977, after winning the 2001 Korac Cup, the 2005 and 2023 Copa del Rey, the 2006 ACB League and the 2017 Eurocup.



Baloncesto Málaga S.A.D.


Unicaja Baloncesto takes up the legacy of the two clubs that gave rise to it: Caja de Ronda and Mayoral Maristas. Caja de Ronda was founded in 1977 under the name of Sociedad Deportiva Caja de Ronda. Since its creation, it took only four seasons to be promoted to the highest category of Spanish basketball, in the 1980/81 season.


Mayoral Maristas was founded in 1953 under the name of Ademar Basket Club. It moved up to the ACB League in 1988, remaining in it for four seasons until the merger with Caja de Ronda.

  • Institucional

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