
Enviroplast, recognized with the 'Unicaja Award to Extremadura Business'

Esta distinción, acordada este martes por el jurado de la presente edición, reunido en Cáceres, se enmarca en los Premios Grupo ROS

07 MAY 2024

4 Min reading

Enviroplast, a company specialized in the manufacture of biodegradable plastics, has won the 'Unicaja a la Empresa Extremeña' Award (Unicaja Award to Extremadura Business), within the framework of the awards granted every year by Grupo ROS.


The ROS Awards are now in their 18th edition and, for the second consecutive year, a jury of 15 people met this Tuesday to designate the winner of the 'Unicaja Award to Extremadura Business'.


As last year, the candidacy was open to the public online, and a total of 15 companies participated. The jury, met at the Palacio de Mayoralgo in Cáceres, selected five finalists: Bigmat Tevisa, Bombones Valcorchero, Himalaya Computing, Stratego and Eviroplast. Of these, the latter was the winner.


Enviroplast, established in 2016, is a leading company in the manufacture of biodegradable plastics. It was born as a response to the needs of certain companies in the agricultural and industrial sectors that demanded a more specialized advisory service in the purchase of their plastic supplies. Currently, it is the only Spanish manufacturer of 100% biodegradable plastic mini rolls, ideal products for urban and/or family gardens.


The Grupo ROS Awards Gala, sponsored by Unicaja, will bring together renowned companies, figures and institutions of the region on 23 May in Badajoz, and has become one of the most important business events in Extremadura.


Unicaja's collaboration in this initiative is part of its interest in "favoring the business fabric and facilitating the economic impulse in its territory of action, with special attention to Extremadura", as highlighted by the Regional Manager of the entity, Julio Morales.


In fact, he stressed that "the company continues to be one of the main groups in Unicaja's financing policy, and, therefore, remains active in supporting their initiatives, which are decisive for the revitalization of the economy and job creation".


This year the jury was made up of Julio Morales, Regional Manager of Unicaja in Extremadura; Julián Casas, CEO of Grupo ROS; Francisco Javier Peinado, secretary general of the Regional Business Confederation of Extremadura (CREEX); Miguel González Cuétara, CEO of ecaptureDtech; José Luis Canito, managing director of FUNDECYT-PCTEX; Raúl Iglesias, secretary general of the Chamber of Commerce of Cáceres; María José Solana, general manager of Extraval; Rafael Novoa Tello, head of the Financing Department of Extremadura Avante; Emilio Borrega, councilor for Employment, HR, Innovation, E-Administration, Enterprise and Institutional Relations at the City Council of Cáceres; Carlos Serrano Paz, economic and international affairs advisor at the Department of Economy, Employment and Digital Transformation of the Regional Government of Extremadura; María Concepción López López López, deputy delegate of the Autonomous Collection Body of the Provincial Council of Badajoz; Fernando Javier Grande, coordinator of the Presidency of the Provincial Council of Cáceres; Ángel Martín López, head of the Family Business Association of Extremadura; Carlota Barajas, head of Communications at Canal Extremadura, and Javier Gijón, councilor for Economy and Finance at the City Council of Badajoz.


About Unicaja


Unicaja is one of the main banks in the Spanish financial system and a listed company in the Ibex 35, with a solid base of four million customers. In fact, it is a reference entity in six autonomous communities, its regions of origin (Extremadura, Andalusia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha and Castilla y León), with deep roots and close ties to the Extremadura region.


About Grupo ROS


Grupo ROS is an audiovisual production company and communication agency with more than 30 years of experience in the audiovisual sector based in Badajoz. In addition, it also specializes in the production and organization of business events such as conferences, congresses, client breakfasts or awards galas.

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