
Unicaja supports the El Ejido Theater Festival, which stages more than fifty plays

This event features figures such as Lolita Flores, Javier Gutiérrez, Cayetana Guillén Cuervo, Vivancos, Els Joglars, Manuel Liñán and Silvia Abril

06 MAY 2024

3 Min reading

The El Ejido Theater Festival (in Almería), which is now in its 47th edition and which is declared as a Festival of Tourist Interest in Andalusia since 1996, is once again supported by Unicaja.


The festival began last Friday, 3 May, and will run until 1 June, a month in which fifty plays will be staged by figures such as Lolita Flores, Javier Gutiérrez, Cayetana Guillén Cuervo, Vivancos, Els Joglars, Manuel Liñán and Silvia Abril.


With a first class program of plays, artists and companies, the 47th El Ejido Theater Festival will offer theatrical productions, music and dance and hopes to have the same good reception as in the last edition, which had more than 65,000 attendees.


The event will feature such well-known artists as Lolita Flores, Javier Gutiérrez, Cayetana Guillén Cuervo, Vivancos, Els Joglars, Manuel Liñán, Silvia Abril, and plays such as the musical The Friends. In addition, this year the Teatro Comestible will return with the chef José Álvarez, who has a Michelin star.


In four weekends 12 major productions and five unique works will be played in the Municipal Theater, winners of various awards such as the Max for Best Play or Best Script. There will also be more than 24 free performances, which will tour the different areas of the town, even reaching schools.


Also included are meetings, workshops and master classes by some of the artists, such as Manuel Liñán or Vivancos for the local flamenco academies, and Els Joglars and Jorge Usón, for amateur theater groups.

Also noteworthy are the plays in singular spaces. Thus, this year include the Poniente University Hospital, the amphitheater of Parque San José or the Jardines de la Almunya del Sur.


The show also invades the streets of El Ejido; specifically, for two days: the opening day, last Friday, with a big party to welcome this festival, and Saturday 1 June, with the closing, in which performances will be held at different times and spaces for everyone to enjoy music, theater, circus and dance.




The program began last Friday with 'Friends, the musical Parody', and continued on Saturday 4 with '¡Viva! ', by Manuel Liñán; on the 11th 'Asambleístas', by Silvia Abril, will be performed; on the 12th , 'El Traje', with Javier Gutiérrez and Luis Bermejo; on the 15th  the Conservatorio de Danza 'Kina Jiménez' of Almería will premiere its annual show; on the 17th, Carles Sans of Tricicle will offer 'Por fin solo'; on the 18th, Cayetana Guillén Cuervo will take the stage with 'Pandataria'; on the 24th 'Los Vivancos' will perform; on the 25th Lolita Flores will arrive with 'Poncia', and on 30th May is the time for 'La Tuerta'.


On the other hand, the festival will also tour the different areas of the town with free proposals such as 'Tarzana', by Alejús Servicios Culturales; 'El Mundo Mindungui', by Clown Local, and 'Teatro de Calle', with Botavara.


  • Institucional

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