
Unicaja supports the Legion's 101 km race, which gathers 9,000 participants

This race takes place in the Serranía de Ronda, between the provinces of Málaga and Cádiz, and includes a children's race, with 1,200 runners

13 MAY 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja has once again sponsored the 101 kilometers of the Legion, one of the best-known ultra-distance races in the country, which, in this year's edition, number 24, gathered this past weekend in the Serranía de Ronda, between the provinces of Malaga and Cadiz, 9,000 participants, plus 1,200 of the children's race.


The events related to this race began last Friday and lasted until Sunday. However, the start of the different modalities of the race took place on Saturday.


The course could be completed, depending on the modality, walking, running or cycling. Thus, for walking and teams, the stipulated time was 24 hours, and 12 hours for mountain biking.


In addition, a non-competitive three-kilometer children's race was also held, with the aim of promoting healthy lifestyles and the practice of sports among children and young people in general and, specifically, in events of this type.


After last year's hiatus, due to the humanitarian mission carried out in Lebanon by the troops of the Tercio Alejandro Farnesio IV of La Legion, based in Ronda, the 101 kilometers have returned this year, with participants from up to 14 nationalities.


The 101 kilometers of the Legion have been held annually since 1995, with the exception of those years in which this unit has had to participate in international missions, as in 2001, 2004, 2010 or 2023.




The route passed through the Serranía de Ronda, passing through the towns of Ronda, where the start and finish were located; Arriate; Setenil de las Bodegas; Alcalá del Valle; Montejaque, and Benaoján.


In fact, the organization has counted on 900 legionaries (men and women), 10 doctors and nurses, 150 volunteer students of Physical Therapy and Podiatry and 150 volunteers from Civil Protection, Civil Guard, National Police and Local Police officers.


Unicaja's support for the 101 kilometers of the Legion is part of its policy to contribute to the promotion of sports as an engine of social integration, in line with its work to promote sustainability.

  • Institucional

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