
Unicaja provides its customers with financing for the payment of income tax and advances on income tax refunds

The current campaign of the Agencia Tributaria will be active until 1 July

06 MAY 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja, on the occasion of the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) 2023 campaign, already underway, once again offers the possibility of financing the payment or facilitating the advance payment of the refund.


The campaign includes specific credits to finance the invoice with the Tax Authorities in the case of positive tax returns and also the possibility of receiving in advance the money to be returned by the Tax Agency (AEAT, Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria) in the case of negative tax returns.


Likewise, Unicaja, as an institution that collaborates with the Tax Agency, allows to use the Internet within the service offered to file tax returns online.


The Income and Tax 2023 campaign began last 3 April and will end next 1 July, both for returns to be paid and for those with a refund.

From this Tuesday, 7 May, until 1 July, the Tax Agency will be able to prepare the taxpayer's income tax by telephone, and from 3 June to 1 July, in person at its offices.


The Tax Agency offers its taxpayer assistance services to prepare and file the Income Tax Return through different channels. For more information, please visit the AEAT website.




(1 y 2) Concesión sujeta a criterio de la entidad.



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