
Unicaja upgrades its Fee-Free Plan and extends its exemption or bonus programs to more than 70% of its customers

Customers who meet the requirements of this plan will not pay maintenance, administration or online transfer fees on their accounts

16 MAY 2024

5 Min reading


Unicaja has improved the conditions of its Fee-Free Plans, so that customers who meet the requirements of these programs will not pay fees on their accounts for the most common services, such as maintenance, administration and online transfers.


This initiative is a further step in the improvement of the bank's products and services, focused on the customer, and together with the rest of Unicaja's fee exemption programs, means that more than 70% of its customers have some type of total exemption or bonus.


Improved Fee-Free Plans


In Fee-Free Plans, the main new feature is that the exemption from account maintenance, administration and online transfer fees is extended to all the accounts in which the customer is the account holder.


In addition, from now on, the products to benefit from the Fee-Free Plan also include demand deposits (savings and current accounts) and term deposits, in addition to those considered up to now (mutual funds, pension plans or savings insurance).


The rest of the advantages considered so far in the Fee-Free Plan continue to be applied; among them, it is worth mentioning the non-payment of the maintenance fee for the credit card associated to an account. Likewise, the rates for customers who are members of the 'Flat Rate' program are maintained.


The upgrades have been applied automatically to those customers adhered to any type of Fee-Free Plan, as long as they meet the requirements, without having to go through any formalities. Those who join this exemption program for the first time, available at Unicaja branches, will also be able to benefit from them.


These improvements also extend to the specific options of the Fee-Free Plan for the self-employed, and agricultural and professional customers allowing them to be linked according to their business needs.




To benefit from the conditions of the Fee-Free Plans it is necessary to meet one of these conditions, summarized in the following options:


1.     Salary, pension or unemployment benefit deposited directly into the account monthly for a net amount equivalent to or greater than 600 euros (or recurring income equivalent to or greater than 7,200 euros in the last 12 months with a monthly deposit in at least six of the twelve months), as well as a consumption in credit cards equivalent to or greater than 1,200 euros per year or a minimum of two monthly transactions.


Additionally, being the holder of balances having a total amount equivalent to or greater than 6,000 euros in current accounts, deposits, mutual funds, pension plans or saving insurance; or having taken out one or several insurances, different from savings insurance policies, and the sum of said policies' paid premiums being equivalent to or greater than 100 euros.


2.     Balances having a total amount equivalent to or greater than 20,000 euros (investment funds, pension plans and savings insurance), and either consumption on credit cards for an amount equivalent to or greater than 1,200 euros per year or at least two transactions per month, or having taken out one or several different insurance policies, different from savings insurance, and the sum of said policies' paid premiums being equivalent to or greater than 200 euros.



(1) APR 0.00% calculated for an account with a balance of €6,000 constant for one year at 0.00% TIN, complying with the conditions of the Zero Individual Plan, that is, considering €0.00 for the administration fee, the account and credit card maintenance fee. No interest. (See the bases of Plan Zero).


Representative examples without meeting the conditions of the Zero Plan Individuals and considering the maximum administration fee of €9/quarter, the account maintenance fee of €30/quarter, as well as an annual credit card maintenance fee of €44 :


APR: -3.301% calculated for an account with a balance of €6,000 constant for one year at 0.00% TIN. No interest


APR: -9.710% calculated for an account with a balance of €2,000 constant for one year at 0.00% TIN. No interest.


In the cases described, the APR varies depending on the account balance.


The Zero Individual Plan and the benefits that it entails will be indefinite, with Unicaja having reserved the possibility of canceling said Plan and its benefits or modifying its conditions, at any time, which will be communicated in a timely manner in accordance with the regulatory regulations. .


2) By issuing transfers through Digital Banking (Unicaja Web or App) or ATM, in euros, between customer payment accounts located in the SEPA zone. (Immediate transfers and Fund Movement Orders (OMF) -through the Bank of Spain- are excluded).


(3) The exemption will apply to the linked credit card reported in the membership document or the one that replaces it.


(*) Recurring income will be considered to be that received by the CLIENT in an account opened in Unicaja of which he is the first owner, with a minimum frequency of at least one monthly operation in six of the twelve months, through income operations – except cash payments made at the counter or ATM and transfers made between accounts owned by the same CUSTOMER, transfers from other entities and/or negotiation and clearing of checks.


(**) Insurance contracted through Unimediación S.L.U., linked banking-insurance operator, registered in the Special Administrative Registry of Insurance Distributors, of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds, with registration number OV-0010, acting under through the Unicaja Banco S.A. network. Arranged civil liability insurance in accordance with current legislation. You can consult the insurance companies with which Unimediación S.L.U. has an agency contract signed at

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