
Edufinet and the Academy of Social and Environmental Sciences of Andalusia reinforce their collaboration to promote financial education

Both entities extend their cooperation to organize conferences, seminars, workshops and courses, as well as publications, studies and research projects

07 JUN 2024

2 Min reading

The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja and Fundación Unicaja, and the Academy of Social and Environmental Sciences of Andalusia once again show their commitment to financial education, and, through the renewal of the agreement that both entities have maintained for years, will continue working to contribute to the improvement of citizens' financial literacy.


Specifically, this general collaboration protocol has been signed by the president of the Academy of Social and Environmental Sciences of Andalusia, Antonio Pascual; the head of the Edufinet Project, José M. Domínguez; the general manager of Fundación Unicaja, Sergio Corral, and the head of Communication and Image of Unicaja, Fernando Ríos.


In this way, Edufinet and the Academy of Social and Environmental Sciences are committed to continuing to jointly promote training activities that will provide citizens with the appropriate tools for managing their personal finances. These initiatives include conferences, seminars, workshops and courses, as well as publications, studies and research projects.


In fact, both entities coincide in highlighting the importance of financial education as an instrument for citizens to be able to manage their personal finances with greater autonomy, also emphasizing, for this purpose, training in the use of digital media.


Edufinet Project


With nearly two decades of experience, Edufinet is one of the pioneering financial education programs in Spain and currently has the collaboration of a dozen institutions and business organizations, as well as 17 universities.

Since its inception, almost 260,000 people have participated in person in the various seminars, workshops, courses and conferences it has organized. In fact, its web pages have accumulated more than 20 million visits to date, with access from almost 180 countries.


Academy of Social and Environmintal Sciences


This institution is made up of personalities from the business, scientific, cultural, university and communication worlds and is the first academy with territorial scope throughout the Autonomous Community.


Its purposes include the study and research of Social, Economic, Business and Environmental Sciences through the organization of seminars, chairs, colloquiums, courses, conferences, competitions, awards and publications, thus contributing to economic and social development and the defense and conservation of the natural and urban environment in Andalusia.

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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