
Unicaja's exhibition hall in Salamanca hosts the end-of-course exhibition of the students of the San Eloy School of Art

Organized by the Fundación Caja Duero, it includes works by 117 students out of the total of 347 enrolled in these artistic teachings

21 JUN 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja's "Garci-Grande" exhibition hall, located in Plaza de Los Bandos in Salamanca, is once again hosting the end-of-year exhibition organized by the San Eloy Art School of Fundación Caja Duero. This exhibition selects some of the works made by students in the course 2023-2024, and can be visited until 27 June, from Tuesday to Saturday, from 19 to 21 hours; and Sundays and holidays, from 12 to 14 hours.


A total of 117 works by as many students, out of the 347 students enrolled at the San Eloy Art School, are on display.  As the Fundación Caja Duero itself points out, "these are not necessarily the best artistic results that have emerged in the classrooms during the last few months. What is intended is to show evolution, effort, diversity, processes, originality... more than technical perfection; although we can undoubtedly see creations of true compositional and aesthetic quality".


The San Eloy School proposes a multidisciplinary and personalized approach to training that allows students to assimilate and apply different concepts and methodologies, leading them to a progressive mastery of different processes in the study of Plastic Arts and providing them with a vision directed towards the search for their most original and personal expression. The workshops offered throughout the school year include lessons for children, youth and adults.


The cession of this space by Unicaja is part of the entity's collaboration with activities organized throughout the year by Fundación Caja Duero.  In its 19 years of existence, this foundation has developed a wide range of activities in the fields of music, new technologies, social studies and debate forums, as well as being the owner of the Zacarías González pictorial collection.

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