
Launched a flat rate for Unicaja's PoS terminals

- Retailers can choose the tranche that best suits their turnover, with different monthly fees

24 JUN 2024

7 Min reading

Unicaja launches a flat rate for retailers that will provide them with a point-of-sale terminal (POS) service by paying a single monthly fee, which includes both the processing of domestic card transactions and the maintenance of the device.


With the aim of facilitating the day-to-day of self-employed and SMEs and improving the customer experience, it is possible to choose the tranche that best suits their turnover, with different monthly fees, ranging from a minimum of 9 euros to a maximum of 60 euros, and with the maintenance of the first PoS terminal free of charge.


Unicaja's Flat Rate brings clarity and predictability to businesses, as retailers can benefit from full transparency on payment processing costs, allowing them to keep a concise track of expenses and accurate financial planning.


Another advantage is adaptability, since the merchant can choose the monthly flat rate that best suits their business based on their turnover. In addition, the fixed fee guarantees that there will be no unexpected charges at the end of the month.


Unicaja’s products and services for companies and freelancers


In addition to the flat rate for businesses, Unicaja offers a wide variety of products and services for companies and the self-employed, with the aim of facilitating their activity and offering the best customer experience.


These include the Fee-Free Professional Plan, through which, by fulfilling a series of requirements1, no fees are charged2 on their accounts for the most common services, such as maintenance, administration and online transfers3, and the Uni Seguro Empresas Plan, which facilitates the payment of insurance4 through the unification of their premiums, with financing at zero cost and installments in comfortable monthly installments, without surcharge (APR 0,00% without interests)5.





(1) To benefit from the conditions of the Professional Zero Plan, it is necessary to fully comply with one of the two options (1st option/2nd option) to be able to enjoy the exemption program of the Professional Zero Plan.




- Basic requirements (must be met simultaneously):


Recurring income* for an amount equal to or greater than €7,200 in the last 12 months with at least one monthly income in 6 of the 12 months.


Consumption on credit cards for an amount equal to or greater than €1,200 per year or a minimum of 2 monthly operations or consumption at POS for an amount equal to or greater than €600 per month (Consult in the Bases of the Professional Zero Plan the type of operations taken into account for consumption calculation).


- Optional requirements (at least one of them must be met):


Balances for a total amount equal to or greater than €6,000 in the Entity of which the client is the owner of: Demand accounts, Deposits, Investment Funds (including Discretionary Investment Portfolio Management), Pension Plans and Savings Insurance.


Have contracted and in force with the Entity one or more insurance policies** other than Savings Insurance (as contemplated in the previous option), whose sum of the premiums paid is equal to or greater than €100.





- Basic requirement:


Balances for a total amount equal to or greater than €20,000 in the Entity, of which the client is the owner in: Investment Funds (including Discretionary Investment Portfolio Management), Pension Plans and Savings Insurance.


- Optional requirements (at least one of them must be met):


Consumption on credit cards for an amount equal to or greater than €1,200 per year or a minimum of 2 monthly operations or consumption at POS for an amount equal to or greater than €600 per month (Consult in the Bases of the Professional Zero Plan the type of operations taken into account for consumption calculation).


Have contracted and in force with the Entity one or more insurance policies** other than Savings Insurance (as it is considered a basic requirement), the sum of the premiums paid is equal to or greater than €200.


(*) Recurring income will be considered to be that received by the CLIENT in an account opened in Unicaja of which he is the first owner, with a minimum frequency of at least one monthly operation in six of the twelve months, through income operations – except cash payments made at the counter or ATM and transfers made between accounts owned by the same CUSTOMER, transfers from other entities and/or negotiation and clearing of checks.


(**) Insurance contracted through Unimediación S.L.U., linked banking-insurance operator, registered in the Special Administrative Registry of Insurance Distributors, of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds, with registration number OV-0010, acting under through the Unicaja Banco S.A. network. Arranged civil liability insurance in accordance with current legislation. You can consult the insurance companies with which Unimediación S.L.U. has an agency contract signed at www.unicajabanco.es/seguros.


(2) APR 0.00% calculated for an account with a balance of €6,000 constant for one year at 0.00% TIN, complying with the conditions of the Professional Zero Plan, that is, considering €0.00 for the administration fee, the account and credit card maintenance fee. No interest. (See the bases of Plan Zero).


Representative examples without meeting the conditions of the Zero Professional Plan and considering the maximum administration fee of €9/quarter, the account maintenance fee of €30/quarter, as well as an annual credit card maintenance fee of €44 :


APR: -3.301% calculated for an account with a balance of €6,000 constant for one year at 0.00% TIN. No interest

APR: -9.710% calculated for an account with a balance of €2,000 constant for one year at 0.00% TIN. No interest.

In the cases described, the APR varies depending on the account balance.


The Zero Professional Plan and the benefits that it entails will be indefinite, with Unicaja having reserved the possibility of canceling said Plan and its benefits or modifying its conditions, at any time, which will be communicated in a timely manner in accordance with the regulatory regulations. .


(3) By issuing transfers through Digital Banking (Unicaja Web or App) or ATM, in euros, between customer payment accounts located in the SEPA zone. (Immediate transfers and Fund Movement Orders (OMF) -through the Bank of Spain- are excluded).

(4) Renewable annual, multi-annual or single premium temporary insurance, contracted with Caser (insurance in the mode for companies and self-employed persons for the Auto and Fleet, Dental, Fire, Theft, Health, Transportation, Merchandise and Helmets lines; and all insurance in the case of Bonding, Agroinsurance, Machinery or leasing breakdown, Surety, Contingencies, Communities, Ten-year damages, Legal defense, Commercial Multi-risk, SME Multi-risk, Pecuniary losses, Civil Liability and All construction risk) and/or Unicorp Vida (life risk) and mediated through Unimediación S.L.U., linked banking-insurance operator, registered in the Special Administrative Registry of Insurance Distributors of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds with registration number OV-0010, acting under through the Unicaja Banco, S.A. network. Arranged civil liability insurance in accordance with current legislation. You can consult the insurance companies with which Unimediación S.L.U. has an agency contract signed at www.unicajabanco.es/seguros.


Insurance coverage subject to the General and Particular Conditions of the policies contracted.


(5) Credit aimed at self-employed workers and companies, exclusively for the payment of their insurance premiums. Conditions valid until January 31, 2025. Annual nominal interest rate: 0.00%. APR: 0.00%. Starting from a representative example of a loan in the Uni Seguro Empresas y Agro Plan granted of €1,500.00, which has been drawn down in full since the first day of validity of the contract, with a fixed monthly payment method of a regular installment for 12 months, in which the client would pay 12 monthly installments of €125.00, with the total amount owed being €1,500.00. For this example, the existence of new credit provisions in the Uni Seguro Empresas y Agro Plan in this period, nor any incidents in payments, is not considered.

  • Productos y servicios

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