
Employees show their most supportive side and participate in a blood donation campaign

On the occasion of this campaign, a mobile unit has been installed this Friday next to the headquarters in Avenida de Andalucía, in the capital

21 JUN 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja workers in the capital of Malaga show their most supportive side this Friday, participating in a blood donation campaign organized by the Transfusion, Tissues and Cell Center of Malaga and the Association of Blood Donors 'La Gota Roja'.


The donation takes place this Friday, from 10.00 to 14.00 hours and from 17.00 to 21.00 hours, in a mobile unit that the Regional Center for Blood Transfusion (CTRS) has installed in the Avenida de Andalucía, next to the headquarters of Unicaja.


Aware of the importance of donating blood and plasma and, as part of its social commitment, Unicaja has encouraged its staff to participate in this campaign, as it has done on other occasions and in other parts of the country where it has a presence.


Ongoing demand


This collection is part of the campaign promoted by the CRTS to ensure, throughout the summer period, an adequate supply of blood and plasma to health centers and hospitals, taking into account that the needs for blood components and derivatives from donations are continuous.


The Transfusion, Tissues and Cell Center of Malaga is responsible for supplying blood to all hospitals, both public and private, in the capital and its province. An average of 175 surgical interventions are scheduled daily, which require numerous blood transfusions.


In the case of the province of Malaga, in order to meet this demand, 250 people need to donate blood every day.


World Blood Donor Day was celebrated on 14 June to raise awareness of the need to donate blood on a regular basis to ensure the quality, safety and availability of blood.

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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