
Unicaja, present at the tribute of Toledo Provincial Council to the painter Guerrero Malagón, on the 40th anniversary of his work 'Toledo Símbolo'

The painting was donated by the bank to the Provincial Council, in its commitment to promote access to culture and heritage the regions where it operates

18 JUN 2024

3 Min reading

Unicaja has joined the tribute that the Government of the Provincial Council of Toledo has made to the painter Guerrero Malagón, on the 40th anniversary of the painting 'Toledo Símbolo'. A work, owned by Unicaja that, in 2014, was transferred to the provincial institution, in its commitment to promote access to culture and heritage in the regions where the bank operates.


The event, which was held in the plenary hall of the Provincial Council, where the work is exhibited, was attended by the spokesperson of the Provincial Council and councilor for Budget and Finance, Soledad de Frutos; the councilor for Culture and Education, Tomás Arribas; in addition to the artist's son and daughter, Carmen and Mariano, and his grandson, Jorge Moraleda; and, representing Unicaja, the deputy regional manager of Castilla-La Mancha, Elías José Lorenzo.


For the spokesperson of the Provincial Council of Toledo and councilor for Budget and Finance, Soledad de Frutos, "it is a pride to remember Guerrero Malagón through the painting 'Toledo Símbolo', which presides over the Plenary Hall of the institution since 2014".


De Frutos recalled the four decades of the picture painted by Guerrero Malagón and which, according to her "shows a radial perspective of the province, where we can distinguish the historic center of Toledo, flanked by numerous people, villages, folklore and customs of Toledo".


For his part, the artist's grandson, Jorge Moraleda, thanked the Provincial Council for its commitment to the memory of the great artist from Urdeña, and its sensitivity to disseminate his extensive work and make it known to the greatest number of people.



‘Toledo Símbolo’


It is a large painting, about seven meters long, which contains a special symbolism, with the old town of Toledo represented in the center of the painting, flanked by numerous people representing the villages of Toledo in a radial perspective of the province.


The work, owned by Unicaja, was commissioned in the early eighties to the painter and sculptor Cecilio Mariano Guerrero Malagón (Urda, Toledo, 1 February 1909 - Toledo, 20 August 1996), for the entrance hall of the then headquarters of the financial institution in Toledo. It remained there until 2014, when the bank lent it to the Toledo Provincial Council to be exhibited in the plenary hall of the institution.


Unicaja, with the transfer of this work, maintains its commitment to promote access to culture and heritage, especially in its regions of origin, in line with its sustainability strategy.

  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa


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