
Unicaja joins the Oviedo Chamber of Commerce business Club

The bank expands its presence in the Chamber as a premium corporate partner, of which it was already a member of the Plenary Session

04 JUN 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja has joined the business Club of the Oviedo Chamber of Commerce in a formal ceremony held at the headquarters of this institution. The financial institution joins the high category of members of the Club, specifically as a premium corporate member, a category that includes the main Asturian companies.


In addition to executives from both entities, the event was attended by the president of the Oviedo Chamber of Commerce, Carlos Paniceres, and Unicaja’s Head of Commercial Banking-North, Luis Manuel Taboada.


The Chamber of Commerce and Unicaja thus endorse their excellent institutional relations. The financial institution was already part of the Plenary of the Chamber of Commerce and now goes a step further by joining as a reference partner in the business Club.


The president of the Chamber of Commerce, Carlos Paniceres, has valued the incorporation of Unicaja to the Club, for its reference and historical trajectory, both with the institution and with Asturias, considering that this will further improve the links for a fluid and agile communication for the generation of economic activity in the region.


Unicaja's Head of Commercial Banking-North has highlighted the roots of the entity in Asturias, as one of its territories of origin and its commitment to contribute to the economic and social development of the region. This incorporation, in addition to consolidating the bank’s presence in the Chamber, makes clear and reinforces the role of Unicaja as a financial support for Asturian companies when it comes to innovate, develop their projects and be more competitive.



At the service of companies  


The Oviedo Chamber of Commerce has created the Chamber Club in order to provide a personalized service to those companies that wish to belong to it, joining an organization with regional, national and international presence, in contact with the main public and private entities of the region.


One of Unicaja's objectives is to collaborate with SMEs and the self-employed by providing them with financial products and services that are essential for the performance of their activities. For this reason, it works to offer them at all times the financial solutions best suited to their needs (digitalization, sustainable transformation, etc.), with the aim of promoting their growth. 

  • Institucional
  • Productos y servicios


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