
Unicaja and FADE collaborate to meet the financial needs of Asturias companies

The Asturian Federation of Business Owners represents more than 50,000 companies, which will be able to access Unicaja's financial products and services under special conditions

17 JUN 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja and the Asturian Federation of Business Owners (Federación Asturiana de Empresarios, FADE) have signed a new agreement under which the financial institution will offer special conditions on a range of financial products and services to the business organization and all its associates.


The aim is to promote business development in Asturias and meet the financial needs of the more than 50,000 companies represented by this federation.


The signing of this agreement, which reinforces the close relationship between the two entities, took place at FADE's headquarters in Oviedo, by Unicaja's head of Northern Business Banking, José Marcos Fernández, and by the President of FADE, María Calvo.


"Collaborating with FADE allows us to get even closer to the Asturian business fabric, since, for Unicaja, it is a priority to be next to the companies and to know first-hand their challenges and needs in order to provide them with the most personalized financial support possible," said José Marcos Fernandez.


For her part, María Calvo highlighted Unicaja's support to FADE in the organization of "events of maximum interest for Asturian companies", as well as the bank's commitment to financing SMEs in the region.


One of Unicaja’s objectives is to collaborate with SMEs and the self-employed by providing them with financial products and services that are essential for the performance of their activities. Therefore, it works to offer them at all times those financial solutions best suited to their needs (digitization, sustainable transformation, etc.), with the aim of promoting their competitiveness.


With a wide range of products and services aimed at companies, SMEs and the self-employed, the bank aims to continue promoting investments, encouraging foreign trade and supporting the expansion and development of strategic projects in the Asturian business sector. These actions are in line with Unicaja's commitment to promote and facilitate economic growth and job creation in the regions where it operates, especially in Asturias, one of its regions of origin.



Collaboration in activities


Through this agreement, Unicaja will also collaborate with FADE in the organization of two events of interest to the business sector in Asturias.


In this regard, both entities recently organized a conference on sustainable mobility and a training activity on the decarbonization of the loan portfolio, with the aim of contributing to improving the competitiveness of Asturian companies under a sustainability strategy.

  • Institucional
  • Productos y servicios


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