Foto _Edufinet _Salamanca_2024

More than 150 primary school students participate in Salamanca in the financial education workshops for children at Edufinet's Financial Education Center

This initiative aims to promote knowledge and skills in economics and finance from an early age in order to facilitate future financial decision-making

05 JUL 2024

4 Min reading

The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja and the Fundación Unicaja, has recently held in Salamanca, at its new Financial Education Center, training sessions on financial education, aimed at several groups of primary school students, in which more than 150 students have participated. Thus, training talks have taken place, organized as part of the 3rd Conference on Financial Education for Children, 'Edufikids', which have been complemented with a visit to the training activities offered by this center.


During these sessions, focus was placed on the importance of promoting knowledge of economics and finance with special attention from an early age, in order to contribute to improving the financial skills of this group. These are eminently practical sessions, adapted to the needs of participants.


These workshops have been attended by students from María Auxiliadora, Rufino Blanco and Montessori schools in the capital. This initiative has had the collaboration of the Municipal Foundation of Culture and Knowledge, of the City Council of Salamanca.


Distributed in small groups, the talks to children in 5th and 6th grade of primary education focused on savings, financial decision-making, means of payment, prevention and detection of online risks (cybersecurity) and sustainability. During the visit to Edufinet's new Financial Education Center in Salamanca, there was also an exhibition on basic concepts and economic and financial curiosities; a timeline reflecting the historical evolution of money over the centuries; an interactive financial games area equipped with tablets; and a training classroom. This center, of more than 200 square meters, located in the historic San Eloy building, was inaugurated last December by the Edufinet Project, with the collaboration of Fundación Caja Duero and FuncasEduca.


The objective of these activities organized for children is to continue bringing young people closer to the basics of economics and finance, with special attention to the different financial products and services of which they are already users or will be throughout their lives, with a view to making better financial decisions.


With these workshops, primary school students join other groups of students with whom Edufinet works, such as young people in secondary school and baccalaureate, those in higher education, or university students. The Edufinet Project also directs its training activities to the elderly, to other groups and to society as a whole.


Edufinet Project, a pioneering inititiative

The Edufinet Project has been promoting financial education activities for almost two decades, making it one of the pioneering financial education programs in Spain.


It currently has the collaboration of 17 universities and ten business entities and organizations, with the aim of increasing the economic and financial skills and knowledge of citizens. This is achieved through various lines of action: courses and seminars (in person and online), publications, as well as several Internet portals with practical and educational information on the financial world, around (Edufinext, Edufiemp, Edufitech, Edufiblog, Edufisport, Edufiagro and Edufiacademics).


In addition to this, Edufinet also carries out educational and informative work through its social media channels (YouTube, X, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Tik Tok), and podcast platforms (iVoox and Spotify) with adapted formats.


Since the beginning of its activity, the Edufinet Project portals have accumulated more than 20 million visits to date, with access from some 180 countries. Since it was launched, almost 260,000 people have attended courses and seminars. In the area of publications, 30 works have been published.


In 2023, the number of beneficiaries of the activities carried out by Edufinet reached more than 210,000. In addition, nearly 80 articles were published (informative, academic and specialized) and the Edufinet Financial Education Center was inaugurated in Salamanca, in addition to the one in Malaga.

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