
Special offers: rebate of 15% of purchases made when signing up for a credit card and a raffle of 25 cards worth 250 euros

Unicaja credit cards offer different payment methods that make it easier for customers to pay their expenses, in deferred and fractional modes

04 JUL 2024

4 Min reading

Unicaja has launched a promotion whereby it rebates 15% of purchases made when signing up for a new credit card (with a maximum of 25 euros) during the campaign period and limited to the first 1,400 cards subscribed1. In addition, the entity will hold a draw for 25 cards worth 250 euros among customers who make purchases equal to or greater than five euros with the debit or credit cards for private use and sign up for the promotion2.


Each of the purchases made will generate participations as follows: three if the purchase is made with a credit card in deferred or installment mode, as well as if the customer uses the service Aplaza tu compra3 and pays in installments or defers some of the purchases made during the campaign period; two if the purchase is made with a credit card in weekly or end of month mode, and one if the purchase is made with a debit card.


To participate in both promotions, available until 31 July, customers must register through Unicaja's Digital Banking (under 'Sorteos y promociones') or at any of its branches.


Unicaja's card offering adapts to daily payment needs, in addition to having different payment methods that make it easier for customers to organize their expenses, since they can make their purchases in revolving mode and pay for them with the established installment once they have been made, or by splitting them over 3, 6, 9 or 12 months through the Aplaza tu compra service.


Furthermore, credit and debit cards offer immediate discounts and rebates when making online purchases at more than 130 top brands in different sectors. In order to benefit from and discover all the offers available, customers have to join the Programa EURO 6000 Plus in Unicaja's Digital Banking.




1. Exclusive promotion for the first 1,400 new signings of Unicaja Banco, S.A. Credit cards, described in the rules from June 10 to July 31, 2024, both included. The promotion consists of a refund of 15% of the total amount of purchases in stores made from the moment the card was purchased until July 31, 2024 (maximum amount €25). Check the bases here.


2. To participate in the draw for 25 €250 cards it is necessary to register for the promotion and make purchases equal to or greater than €5 with Unicaja debit or credit cards for private use. 1 participation will be generated if the purchase is made with a debit card, 2 participations if it is made with a credit card in weekly or month-end mode and 3 participations if the purchase is made with a credit card in deferred mode (revolving). or fractional (they also count those that are deferred/fractionated through the Defer your purchase service). Canceled and returned purchases do not count. The “Gift Card” is personal and non-transferable. Promotion valid from June 10 to July 31, 2024. Check the rules here.


3. Postponement subject to the entity's discretion, the availability of the card's credit limit and exclusively for: a. purchases made during the current month and those of the previous month up to 15 days after settlement (settlement date 1st of the current month), with a Mastercard Credit or Visa Credit card, in debit, weekly or month-end mode amount equal to or greater than €60, b. the operations carried out on the account associated with the credit card (direct debit receipts, Bizum operations or debit card purchases) for 30 days after the charge date. All of them must be for an amount equal to or greater than €60, with a minimum capital amount to be amortized from €20 per month. Applicable conditions, including the interest rate, according to the current contract. In case of non-payment of the credit, the service will not be available. In order to carry out the deferral operation through Digital Banking, it is necessary to have contracted the remote services of Unicaja Banco.

  • Productos y servicios

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