
Unicaja offers freelancers up to 300 euros for arranging the direct debit of taxes and social security and up to 120 euros for credit card purchases

This campaign, available until December 31 2024, entails other advantages for these professionals

25 JUL 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja is launching a campaign aimed at the self-employed (including farmers and livestock farmers), offering, among other incentives, up to 300 euros on taxes or social security bills paid by direct debit, and up to 120 euros on purchases made with their professional credit card for one year from the date of joining the promotion (provided all other conditions are met).


Specifically, this campaign offers, subject to the loyalty requirements, the quarterly rebate of 3% of the total taxes and/or social security contributions paid by direct debit. The maximum annual incentive is 300 euros net.

In addition, it also includes the quarterly reimbursement of 5% of purchases made with professional credit cards and agricultural cards, with a maximum incentive of 120 euros net per year.


The promotion described above will be valid for customers who are holders of the Fee Free Plan for Professionals, who join this promotion at their branch before 31 December 2024, and who meet the requirements of both. Compliance with the conditions of this campaign entails the benefit of the services and advantages of the mentioned plan.


Other advantages


In addition to these incentives, customers who join this promotion can also enjoy other services and benefits, such as a 30 euro Amazon gift voucher for the purchase of new Caser non-life insurance policies.

Unicaja also offers these customers a series of free products and services, such as the Uni Seguro Empresas and Agro Plan to pay their insurance monthly, comfortably and at no extra cost, Bizum, a financial aggregator service and Univía.


This campaign is part of Unicaja's support for business activity. A collaboration that is materialized in a wide and specialized line of financial products and services, which the entity offers in advantageous conditions and adapted to the needs of these professionals.

  • Productos y servicios

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