
Unicaja and the Bishopric of Ciudad Real sign an agreement that will be available for more than 160 parishes and institutions of the diocese

Specific financing will be available for the rehabilitation, construction or improvement of churches, homes or centers

31 JUL 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja and the Bishopric of Ciudad Real have signed a new agreement to provide a comprehensive and specific financial service for the Bishopric and its parishes and diocesan institutions. Thanks to this agreement, they will be able to access financing, both for rehabilitation and for the construction or improvement of churches, homes or centers.


The bishop of Ciudad Real, Gerardo Melgar, and the regional manager of Unicaja in Castilla-La Mancha, Almudena Noheda, have sealed the agreement during a meeting at the Bishopric headquarters. This agreement will benefit more than 160 parishes and institutions of the diocese.


In this way, Unicaja provides financial services and resources under special conditions to favor and improve the development of the management and activity of the Bishopric.


These conditions are open to parishes, institutions and priests who have a direct link with the Bishopric. Among them, diocesan institutions such as Caritas, Seminario, Misiones, Manos Unidas, Centro de Orientación Familiar, Instituto de Teología, or Casa Sacerdotal.



Financing for rehabilitation or construction


The products offered by the bank include credit account or loans for the rehabilitation or construction of new churches, parish complexes, parish housing for priests and other centers, as well as the acquisition of land, furniture or equipment.


With this agreement, Unicaja supports the work of the Bishopric of Ciudad Real, contributing to facilitate its activity and supporting the parishes and entities that are part of the diocese.

  • Institucional
  • Productos y servicios


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