
Fedeto Business Awards: Unicaja presents the award for Business Owner of the Year

Awarded to Pedro and Gerardo Abad Rubio, of Electroabad Ingeniería, from Villanueva de Alcardete (Toledo), in recognition of their business career

30 SEP 2024

5 Min reading

Unicaja has been one of the sponsors of a new edition of the Business Awards of the Business Federation of Toledo (Fedeto), which have been awarded this Thursday at the Campus de la Fábrica de Armas of the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Toledo. The financial institution has awarded the prize to the Businessowner of the Year to Pedro and Gerardo Abad Rubio, of the company Electroabad Ingeniería, from Villanueva de Alcardete (Toledo).


This award recognizes the trajectory of Electroabad's businessowners, a company specialized in photovoltaic, renewable and thermo-solar energy in all types of business sectors and, especially, in the agricultural field.


The award was presented, on behalf of Unicaja, by the Regional Manager of Castilla-La Mancha, Almudena Noheda, together with the Head of Corporate Banking of Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura, Ignacio González. The event was also attended, among other executives of the bank, by the head of Toledo Area, Mariana Palacio; the head of Toledo Businesses, David do Santos; and the head of Toledo main branch, Celia Rivera.


Under the slogan 'Proud to be entrepreneurs', the 28th Business Awards of Fedeto, give visibility to the professional trajectory of the business fabric of the province of Toledo over fifteen categories that value aspects such as innovation, national and international projection, social and environmental commitment, safety or quality.


The awards ceremony was attended by the president of Fedeto, Javier de Antonio; the mayor of Toledo, Carlos Velázquez; the president of the Provincial Council, Conchi Cedillo; the delegate of the Spanish Government in Castilla-La Mancha, Milagros Tolón; the spokesperson of the regional government, Esther Padilla; and the rector of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Julián Garde, among others. A total of more than 600 people, including business owners, sponsors, authorities and representatives of the military, police, religion and media.



28th Fedeto Business Awards


In addition to the Unicaja Business Owner of the Year Award for Gerardo and Pedro Abad Rubio, fourteen other awards were presented in the corresponding categories, sponsored by the different companies sponsoring these 28th Fedeto Business Awards:

  • Company of the Year: Talleres Garrido, in Toledo and Talavera de la Reina. Dedicated to the sale, maintenance and repair of industrial vehicles and passenger transport.
  • Women Business Owner of the Year: Africa Gonzalez Serrano, from the company Tecnytran, from Illescas, dedicated to automation systems and electrical equipment.
  • Young Business Owner: Darío Lumbreras García-Donas, of the company Moto Ocasión, in Mora de Toledo, leader in the on-line sale of second-hand motorcycles, being the first company in the country in its business segment.
  • Company with the greatest national projection: Qualery Culture, from Val de Santo Domingo, a national reference in the development and commercialization of specialty coffee and soluble products for the vending, dispensing and collectivities sectors.
  • Company with the greatest international projection: Creaciones Alpe, from Santa Cruz de Retamar. Family company specialized in the manufacture and sale of women's footwear.
  • Business Organization: Asociación de Empresarios del Polígono Industrial de Torrehierro, in Talavera de la Reina, for its commitment to representing the interests of the companies located in this industrial area.
  • Social Institution: Hermandad de Donantes de Sangre de Toledo, an altruistic non-profit association that, since 1972, has been raising awareness in society to donate blood to help meet the needs of hospitals in the province of Toledo.
  • Public Administration: Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional 1 de Toledo (formerly IES FP Juanelo Turriano), for its pedagogical methodology of qualified vocational training and internship program in companies, which favors in a very positive way the labor insertion of its students and satisfies the business needs of workers.
  • Communication: news services of Cadena COPE in its radio stations in the province of Toledo, in recognition of the broadcasting, professional and informative treatment of business, economic and labor information.
  • Company committed to sustainable development: Clariant, from Yuncos. Chemical industry sensitive to environmental respect in the environment in which it manufactures products for sectors as varied as aviation, agriculture, medicine, food, electronics or household cleaning.
  • Quality: Igoid Sportec, from Toledo. Research group of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, the Sports Management Laboratory, in the areas of Sports Surfaces, Sports Analytics, Sports Facilities, and Sports Promotion.
  • “Victoriano Arochena” to Family Business: CERMOTEC, from Consuegra, which, in its third generation of entrepreneurs, is a national reference in the manufacture of doors, cabinets, insulation and accessories.
  • Innovation: MERAKI Cultura Audiovisual, from Toledo. Company dedicated to the organization of events based on technology and the creation of unique audiovisual spaces, reaching this year 2024 a milestone with “Lumina Catedral de Toledo”, an immersive tourist and cultural experience unique in its kind in the world.
  • Safe and healthy work environment: Higueras Subiza, from Yuncos, an energy supply and installation company, it implements a safety system for the work team to reduce and avoid risk exposures in their professional tasks.
  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa


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