
New title for Unicaja Baloncesto: Supercopa champion

Just one week after winning the Intercontinental Cup, it beats Real Madrid and adds the only national title it had been lacking

22 SEP 2024

1 Min reading

Just a week after winning the Intercontinental Cup in Singapore, Unicaja Baloncesto won the Spanish Supercopa in Murcia this Sunday, after a hard-fought final against Real Madrid.


The Andalusian team, which advanced to the final by beating the host UCAM Murcia (78-84) last Saturday, wins its eighth title and its first Supercopa.


In a great game, the Unicaja team won the first national title of the season, beating Chus Mateo's team (80-90), after a triple by Tyler Kalinoski, which sealed the final of the Supercopa Endesa, and a dunk by Kameron Taylor, elected MPV of the competition, which gave the definitive victory to Ibon Navarro's team.


Unicaja Baloncesto has thus won the only national title it was missing and faces the start of the Liga Endesa, which will take place next weekend, with even more enthusiasm.



  • Institucional

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