
We renew our agreement with the Mi Primera Vivienda program of the Comunidad de Madrid

Unicaja continues to collaborate with this initiative, which benefits with housing guarantees young people, large or single-parent families, or families with children or adopted children

20 SEP 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja has renewed its agreement to continue collaborating with the Mi Primera Vivienda program of the Comunidad de Madrid, which has already reached 3,000 beneficiaries. This regional government initiative helps young people in Madrid to acquire a home by guaranteeing up to 100% of the value of their mortgage.


The regional minister of Housing, Transport and Infrastructures, Jorge Rodrigo, signed today at the Regional Ministry's headquarters the renewal of the agreement with Unicaja, represented by its Regional Manager - Expansion, José Luis Álvarez, and with the rest of the banks that are part of or have joined the program.


Since 2022, the regional government has invested more than 60 million euros in this project, with which 1,500 of these loans have already been granted.


In addition, the project has recently been reinforced with the extension of the age limit for accessing the loan, from 35 to 40 years old, and the percentage financed has been increased from 95 to 100%. Likewise, the measure has also been extended to large or single-parent families, or due to the birth of a child and adoption.


“Access to a home is a concern that we share with the citizens so we are especially pleased to be able to help many young people who, though being solvent, do not have sufficient savings capacity to acquire a home in property” explained the regional minister.


With the renewal of this agreement, Unicaja also reinforces its commitment to young people, aware that the initial savings required to buy a home with a conventional mortgage can make it difficult for them to access the real estate market.

  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
  • Productos y servicios


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