
Unicaja joins the institutions of La Bañeza (León) to promote the Agrifood Fair of the region

One of the most outstanding activities of this event, which was held throughout the weekend, was the popular Alubiada (bean stew)

16 SEP 2024

1 Min reading

. Unicaja has collaborated with the 21st edition of the Agroalimentary Fair and the Alubiada of La Bañeza, an event that has turned the León town into the gastronomic capital of the province during this weekend. The presentation of this event, held at the Town Hall, was attended by the head of Unicaja in La Bañeza, Víctor López Martínez, who expressed the bank's commitment to initiatives that contribute to the development of the region.

This new edition of the Fair has managed to fill the streets of the city with quality local products, such as the famous beans of the region.


One of the most anticipated attractions of the fair took place on Sunday, when a traditional popular Alubiada was held, which has gathered in the Plaza Mayor more than 4,000 people to taste this local product, which enjoys great prestige in the culinary world. Eight catering establishments of the city have participated in this event, offering in their bars a tapa based on the star legume of this weekend. The jury tasted the tapas and chose the winner of this edition, which corresponded to Restaurante Sofia. The prize was endowed with 300 euros.

  • Institucional


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