
Unicaja donates 10 tons of fruit to the Asturias Food Bank Foundation

The pear harvest, from the Las Huelgas farm in Villamayor (Asturias), will be distributed among the organization's beneficiaries

17 SEP 2024

2 Min reading

Ten thousand kilos of pears from Finca Las Huelgas, in Villamayor (Asturias), will be donated by Unicaja to the Asturias Food Bank Foundation so that it can distribute them among its beneficiaries.


The first part of this delivery, of 1,500 kilos of fruit, was made at the organization's headquarters in Asturias, with the presence of Luis Manuel Taboada, Regional Manager - North of Unicaja, and Bernardo Sopeña, Josefa Cañadas and Juan José Cima, president, vice-president and secretary of the Asturias Food Bank Foundation.


The collaboration between Unicaja and the Food Bank will allow to allocate the harvest of this fruit, grown in the Finca Las Huelgas, owned by the financial institution, to be distributed among the social entities with which the Asturias Food Bank works, thus guaranteeing its distribution among the needy.


Luis Taboada pointed out that “this donation will allow us to support the great work done by this organization in helping associations and entities dedicated to groups at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Asturias”.


An action that reinforces Unicaja's relationship with its stakeholders and its link with the regions where it operates, in addition to contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, especially Zero Hunger (SDG 2) and Partnerships for Achieving the Goals (SDG 17).


Bernardo Sopeña, president of the Food Bank, stated that “we are very grateful to Unicaja for its gesture of solidarity and we hope to continue collaborating for many years to come. This donation of fruit will allow us to complement the food of the beneficiaries, contributing to a healthy diet”.



Asturias Food Bank Foundation


Asturias Food Bank Foundation is a non-profit organization, regional in scope, completely managed by volunteers. Its primary objective is the fight against food wastage, hunger and malnutrition in the Principality of Asturias.


At present, they work with 131 social entities, which cover the needs of approximately 14,226 users. The Asturias Food Bank is a member of the Spanish Federation of Food Banks, which groups more than 55 Food Banks throughout Spain and, through it, of the European Federation of Food Banks.

  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa


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