
Unicaja launches a campaign to promote savings for children and young people through the opening of their first account

The bank offers 30 euros for new accounts for children and teenagers

05 SEP 2024

3 Min reading

Unicaja has launched a campaign to promote savings for children and young people, offering 30 euros when signing up for a Libreta Tesoro (for children up to 13 years old) or a Teen Account (from 14 to 17 years old). This campaign is limited to the first 1,500 accounts opened until 31 December.


To qualify for this promotion, accounts must have a minimum balance of 50 euros and a standing order of 30 euros per month; and, in the case of Teen Account, the Teen Card must be taken out.


The Teen Card is a prepaid card designed specifically for the holders of this account, and can be taken out only by the parents or legal guardians. It is a totally free card and ideal to safely introduce the minor to the use of cards for everyday transactions (leisure expenses, school trips, tuition payments, etc.).


The balance is limited to top-ups made by the adult, which reduces the risks in case of loss or theft. In addition, it can be topped-up easily from Digital Banking, ATMs or Unicaja branches, and its balances and movements can be controlled at all times. It can be configured for use in stores, at ATMs or both, and even turned on and off when necessary. As it is a Mastercard, it is accepted worldwide.



Accounts desined for children and teens


The Libreta Tesoro and Teen Account are products designed specifically for children and teenagers, with no maintenance fees or commissions.


Another advantage of these accounts is that they promote the financial education of children, as they help to create a savings plan for the future by establishing a permanent order of regular contributions.


Accounts for children and teenagers are part of Unicaja's wide range of products and services for different demographics, including, among others, the Young Person Account, aimed at young people between 18 and 27 years of age, with no maintenance, administration or main transaction fees and a free debit card.




(1)    Promoción válida para clientes nuevos menores de edad a los que se le aperturen una cuenta infantil (Libreta Tesoro o Cuenta Teen). Promoción limitada a las primeras 1.578 cuentas infantiles contratadas hasta el 31/12/2024 con al menos 50 € de saldo, activar orden permanente de al menos 30 €/mes y contratar Tarjeta Prepago Teen en el caso de clientes a partir de 14 años,y que, en todos los casos, no hayan sido clientes de Unicaja Banco con anterioridad al periodo promocional. Un mismo menor de edad solo podrá resultar agraciado con un único incentivo. El abono de 30 € quedará retenido por el plazo de 6 meses a contar desde su ingreso. El abono en cuenta del cliente por apertura de cuenta ahorro infantil está sujeto a tributación y tiene la calificación fiscal de rendimientos de capital mobiliario obtenidos por la cesión a terceros de capitales propios, en virtud del artículo 25.2 de la vigente Ley 35/2006 del IRPF. UNICAJA BANCO practicará retención a cuenta del IRPF, en virtud del artículo 74.1 del RIRPF sin repercutir dicho coste al cliente. Consulta Bases promocionales aquí.


(2)    Tarjeta sin comisiones de emisión ni de mantenimiento.


(3)    Cuenta sin comisiones de apertura ni de mantenimiento. Tipo de interés nominal anual 0,00%. TAE 0,00% sin intereses.

  • Productos y servicios

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