
Unicaja participates in the Welcome Fair for the students of the University of Salamanca

The bank was present at this initiative with its own stand where it provided information on its offering of financial products aimed specifically at young people

23 SEP 2024

1 Min reading


Unicaja is once again present at the Welcome Fair that the University of Salamanca is organizing today for new students. The bank has had its own stand where it has provided information on financial products aimed specifically at students, such as tuition financing.


Thousands of young people have participated today in this meeting, organized by the academic institution. Nearly 100 stands have provided students with first-hand information on the different services provided by the institution, along with university cultural associations, student representation associations, as well as the activities for young people organized by municipalities, institutions and companies.


Unicaja maintains its historical collaboration with the University of Salamanca, through the Business Friends Program. This program is managed by its General Foundation, an institution whose objectives include establishing permanent channels of collaboration between the University and the business ecosystem, and which currently has 28 business friends.


Manuel Rubio, Unicaja’s regional manager of Castilla y León - South, was present at the Unicaja stand.



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