
Edufinet, awarded on the Financial Education Day

Edufinet receives this Monday the 'Finance for All 2024 Award' for the Best Financial Education Initiative, for its 'Ambassadors' program, aimed at senior citizens

07 OCT 2024

3 Min reading

The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja and Fundación Unicaja, has received this Monday, 7 October, the 'Finance for All 2024 Award' for the Best Financial Education Initiative, for its program 'Ambassadors (Financial Education for Senior Citizens)', aimed at this group. The award was presented during the main event of the Financial Education Day, held at the Bank of Spain's headquarters in Madrid.


This award, collected by María del Mar Molina, from Edufinet's work team, and given by the Financial Education Plan, promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise, the Bank of Spain and the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), highlights the work carried out by Edufinet in this initiative, aimed at promoting financial education, encouraging financial inclusion and reducing the digital divide among the over-60s.


The 'Ambassadors Project', an initiative that Edufinet develops with the collaboration of Funcas Educa and Guadalinfo's Red Vuela centers, aims to transfer to this segment of society, especially in the rural environment and with a practical approach, knowledge and skills that allow them to develop with greater autonomy in the management of their own finances, as well as to improve their skills, both in the field of cybersecurity and in the management of digital banking tools and services.


In this sense, several training sessions are held periodically throughout the year, where concepts on personal finance (operations with demand accounts, cards, etc.), security and cyber-risk prevention, as well as other aspects to be taken into account when performing online transactions and operations, especially in the digital banking environment (apps and websites) and ATMs, are discussed with them with an eminently practical approach.


During these sessions, participants can also use technological tools and resources that allow them to carry out the most common operations, such as bank app and ATM simulators developed by Edufinet, in collaboration with Funcas Educa, as well as tablets equipped with these simulators. With these tools, based on real devices under the generic brand of 'Edufibank', participants can directly put into practice the knowledge acquired, contributing, at the same time, to facilitate their transition to the digital and technological framework.


In parallel to these specific conferences, Edufinet also promotes from this project the insertion and training of 'ambassadors' in different towns and villages, as a unique and novel initiative. This is a figure with an intention to last, whose role is played by people who, on a voluntary basis, act as a liaison with people over 60 years of age to learn first-hand about their main concerns and needs, thus making it possible to improve and adapt, at all times, the contents taught by the Edufinet team to this group.


Senior citizens, a priority group


The Edufinet Project is aware of the importance of bringing the keys to the financial world closer to all segments of society, regardless of their age, in order to ensure that they make the right decisions in the field of economics and finance.


In this sense, senior citizens are a group of priority interest within its educational program, as evidenced by the implementation over time of various educational activities, both on-site and online, aimed at adults in general and the seniors in particular, which are carried out throughout the year.

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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