
The Food Bank of Valladolid and Unicaja join forces in the seventh edition of its Charity Walk

The aim of this initiative, in which nearly 800 people participated, is to raise funds for the charity

14 OCT 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja collaborates one more year with the Food Bank of Valladolid in the seventh edition of the Charity Walk, an initiative that took place this Sunday with the participation of about 800 people, to raise funds for this charity. The event was attended by José Manuel Matilla, Unicaja manager of Valladolid Centro.


The Charity Walk started at 10.30 am, with departure and arrival at the lower area of the Municipal Park of Cerro de Las Contiendas. The route, about five kilometers, ran entirely within this enclosure and took place in a festive atmosphere.


This charity event has a playful and non-competitive character, so it has had the participation of schools, families and organizations that wanted to collaborate with the Food Bank Foundation of Valladolid and its altruistic purposes.


For the seventh edition of this event, both the organization and the Food Bank of Valladolid have set the goal of achieving a good participation in order to acquire the most essential and demanded food, which would be distributed among the more than 11,000 beneficiaries currently served by the Food Bank of Valladolid.


Upon arrival at the finish line, all participants enjoyed a party with Zumba dancing and a raffle of gifts donated by the companies collaborating in the walk. In addition, all participants received a piece of fruit, an energy bar and a soft drink during the walk.

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