
Edufinet's Financial Education Center in Salamanca hosts a conference for Secondary School students on Financial Education Day

The students have visited the Edufinet Financial Education Center and accessed its educational offerings, as well as an exhibition on basics concepts, economic and financial curiosities, and security tips

07 OCT 2024

4 Min reading

The Edufinet Project on financial education, promoted by Unicaja and Fundación Unicaja, joined the celebration of the Financial Education Day in Salamanca on Monday, 7 October. Around twenty students in the 4th year of secondary education at Colegio Montessori attended a talk at the Edufinet Financial Education Center in Salamanca on basic economic and financial notions, in which they discussed savings, financial decision making, means of payment, prevention and detection of online risks (cybersecurity) and sustainability, among other subjects. The talk was complemented with a visit to the training activities offered by this center.


This event is part of the program of activities designed by the Edufinet Project throughout this week, on the occasion of the celebration of the Financial Education Day, as well as the 16th edition of its Financial Education Workshops for Young People.


The Financial Education Day, which celebratesits tenth anniversary this year, is an initiative promoted by the Financial Education Plan (PEF, Plan de Educación Financiera), promoted by the Bank of Spain, the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise, which also has a large number of collaborators. This year it is held under the slogan 'Digital Finance: Learn, Innovate, Advance', with the aim of focusing on digital finance.


During this event, along with the aforementioned talk, the students also had the opportunity to visit the facilities and learn about the training offering of the new Edufinet Financial Education Center in Salamanca. Thus, among other activities, they were able to access an exhibition on basic concepts, economic and financial curiosities and advice on cybersecurity, shown on eleven panels with a didactic and fun approach; a timeline that reflects in detail the historical evolution of money over the centuries; as well as an area of interactive financial games developed by the Edufinet Project, equipped with tablets to facilitate access to them, and a training classroom.


The Edufinet Financial Education Center in Salamanca, with more than 200 square meters, located in the historic San Eloy building, was inaugurated last December by the Edufinet Project, with the collaboration of Fundación Caja Duero and FuncasEduca. It is a differential factor and added value that this new Edufinet financial education center is constituted as a space specifically dedicated to financial education.


The aim of these activities is to continue bringing young people closer to the basics of economics and finance, with special attention to the different financial products and services of which they are already users or will be throughout their lives, with a view to making better financial decisions. It is also aimed at improving their financial and digital skills and competencies, as well as cybersecurity, so that they can manage their personal finances with greater autonomy and security, not only their personal finances, but also when carrying out certain transactions through digital banking, as well as preventing and protecting themselves against possible fraud and cyber risks.


Edufinet Project, a pioneering initiative


The Edufinet Project, with almost two decades of experience, is one of the pioneering financial education programs in Spain. It currently collaborates with ten institutions and business organizations, as well as with17 universities, including two in Salamanca.


Its website ( offers practical and educational information on the financial world through different sections (Edufinext, Edufiemp, Edufitech, Edufiblog, Edufisport, Edufiagro and Edufiacademics). Other lines of action include courses and conferences (in-person and online) and publications, in addition to the educational work carried out through its social media profiles (YouTube, Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok), and the podcast platforms iVoox and Spotify, with adapted formats.


Since it was launched, almost 260,000 people have participated in person in the various seminars, workshops, courses and conferences it has organized. To date, its web pages have accumulated more than 20 million visits, with access from almost 180 countries.


Its work has been recognized during this time with various awards, including several distinctions in the CECA Social Work and Financial Education Awards, as well as the Finance for All 2024 Award, granted by the Financial Education Plan, in the category of best financial education initiative.


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