
The UCI Unicaja-Gijón team organizes the Spanish Cup and the Asturias Cyclocross Championship

Next 5 and 6 October 5 and 6 at the Las Mestas Sports Complex, in Gijón, with the collaboration of Unicaja

03 OCT 2024

2 Min reading

Next Sunday, 6 October, the Spanish Cyclocross Cup 'XIV Trofeo Villa de Gijón', organized by the UCI Unicaja-Gijón team, will take place. One day before, on 5 October, the Asturias Championship 'IV Trofeo Las Mestas' will be held. Both races will be held at the Sports Complex of Las Mestas, in Gijón, with the collaboration of Unicaja.


These competitions are organized by the cyclocross team UCI Unicaja-Gijón, and have been presented this week at the Town Hall of Gijón.


The presentation was attended by the Councilor for Sports and Education, Jorge Pañeda; the president of the Cycling Federation of Principado de Asturias, José Antonio Díaz; the president of UCI Unicaja-Gijón, José Luis Junquera; and, on behalf of Unicaja, the Regional Manager – North, Luis Manuel Taboada.


Both races will bring together more than a thousand athletes in the various categories of the competition.


Saturday will start at 10.30 a.m., with the master categories, and at 4.15 p.m. the last of the races will start. On Sunday, the start time for the first race will be at 9.00 a.m. and the last one at 3.30 p.m., with the elite men's and Under-23 categories.


The races count towards the national ranking and, in the case of the Spanish Cup, also towards the international ranking, very important points for the riders in the UCI categories, with a view to the international races in which they compete.



Cyclocross UCI Unicaja-Gijón


Unicaja maintains a collaboration with Club Deportivo Gijón Ciclismo -formerly Club Deportivo Escuela de Ciclismo Coque Uría de Gijón-, continuing with its support to the UCI Cyclocross team, with which it has been collaborating for several seasons and which also has the support of the Town Hall of Gijón.


The Unicaja-Gijón UCI Cyclocross Team, created in 2021, aims to maintain a competitive team at the national and European level, working from the grassroots of cycling.


This agreement reflects Unicaja's commitment to the promotion of sport and its values, giving visibility to the different sports disciplines and, especially, promoting grassroots sport. In this sense, the Club Deportivo Gijón Ciclismo, has as its work philosophy the training and education of young people through cycling, considering its lower categories as a fundamental pillar of growth.

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