
Renewed the collaboration with Garántia for allocation 160 million to loans with guarantees for financing SMEs and the self-employed

Support for SMEs and the self-employed is part of their activities as entities focused on promoting economic development in Andalusia

10 OCT 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja and Garantia, Sociedad de Avales y Garantías de Andalucía, have renewed the financial collaboration agreement that they have maintained for six years and under which 160 million euros are allocated to facilitate financing with guarantees to Andalusian SMEs and the self-employed.


The agreement, which was signed by the CEO of Unicaja, Isidro Rubiales, and the president of Garántia SGR, Javier González de Lara, aims to contribute to boosting the activity of SMEs and the self-employed.


These lines of financing are aimed at credit transactions that are formalized during one year from the signing of the agreement, with extraordinary terms and interest rates, with the joint and several guarantee of the Andalusian mutual guarantee society. SMEs and the self-employed, whatever their legal form, may avail themselves of these special lines of financing, backed by a guarantee.


Under this agreement, Unicaja offers small and medium-sized companies in Andalusia and the self-employed a complete financing offer, with advantageous conditions, with the aim of boosting business initiative and contributing to the creation of employment and the maintenance of jobs.


Support for SMEs and the self-employed


Unicaja’s commitment to SMEs and the self-employed is part of its activity as a financial institution focused on the retail and proximity banking business, which plays an important role in promoting territorial development.


Companies, in general, and SMEs and the self-employed, in particular, continue to be one of the key objectives of Unicaja's financing policy. In this sense, the entity remains active in financing these groups, which are decisive for the revitalization of the economy and the creation of employment in its territories of action, among which Andalusia stands out.


Garántia SGR, as a guarantee company, has as its main objective to boost the activity of the Andalusian economy and companies. With 40 years of presence in Andalusia, it has offices in the eight provinces and a team of 80 employees to be close to SMEs and self-employed. It also operates through the web


After its trajectory and consolidation, Garantia is the leading guarantee company in Spain in financing for the self-employed and new companies and in financing for the agri-food sector, and is the second in Spain in terms of the number of members, with 25,500, and third in terms of outstanding risk, with 880 million.

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