
ASAJA Ciudad Real awards Unicaja one of its Carros for its support to the sector

The event took place during the celebration of the traditional Brotherhood Lunch, in which three young people from the province received awards and the gold insignias were given to Valentín López and Eugenio Arias, in addition to the rest of the annual awards and distinctions

18 NOV 2024

3 Min reading

The Asociación Agraria-Jóvenes Agricultores (ASAJA) de Ciudad Real of Ciudad Real has held this Friday, at the Congress Center of the capital, its traditional brotherhood lunch, in which they have given their annual awards and distinctions. Among them, its traditional Carts, the Agricultural Journalism Award 2024, as well as the gold insignias to Valentín López and Eugenio Arias, for their career and a lifetime dedicated to agriculture and livestock.


Unicaja has received one of the Carts that the agricultural organization delivers each year to distinguish individuals, organizations and entities that have excelled in the defense and support of the primary sector.


The regional manager of Unicaja in Castilla-La Mancha, Almudena Noheda, who has collected this award from the national president of ASAJA, Pedro Barato, thanked the recognition and the “extraordinary work that ASAJA Ciudad Real develops in the province”, stressing that, for the bank, it is “a new stimulus and a responsibility to continue working, hand in hand, with the organization in order to meet in a close way the needs and challenges that farmers may have at all times”.


Other awarded have been ASAJA Castilla y León and the colonel subdelegate of Defense in Ciudad Real, Juan Manuel del Hierro Rodrigo. The Agrarian Journalism Award 2024 went to Pablo Rodríguez Pinilla, manager of Onda Agraria (Onda Cero).


Also, the provincial agricultural organization has recognized three young farmers, during the IX Provincial Congress of Young ASAJA. They are Ismael Ortiz Briones, from Tomelloso, as Best Young Farmer 2024; Cristina Lucía Muñoz Borja, from Membrilla, with the Award for Best Young Farmer 2024; and Enrique Jerez Banegas, from Villarrubia de los Ojos, recognized as the Best Young Livestock Farmer 2024.


In addition to the national president of ASAJA, Pedro Barato, the secretary general of ASAJA Ciudad Real Florencio Rodríguez participated in the awards ceremony, as well as a broad representation of the associative network of the provincial agricultural organization, political representatives, cooperatives and entities linked to the agricultural sector of Ciudad Real.



Unicaja: committed to the agricultural sector


Unicaja maintains its commitment to the sector in the province of Ciudad Real and is constantly working on the design of new financing products and services, with the aim of anticipating the needs of farmers and ranchers.


Its experience in the sector and its knowledge of the region, as well as their collaboration with organizations such as ASAJA Ciudad Real, allows the bank to offer farmers the best solutions and the most appropriate financial tools to obtain the best performance from their work.

  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa


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