
Presentation of the Macael Awards 2024 for the most innovative and sustainable marble projects, with the collaboration of Unicaja

This 37th edition had 25 nominations and 12 awards were given to national and international initiatives

18 NOV 2024

2 Min reading

The Macael Awards 2024, presented this Friday, 15 November, with the collaboration of Unicaja, have recognized the most innovative and sustainable projects in the marble industry. In this 37th edition, 25 nominations have been presented and 12 awards have been given to national and international initiatives.


The Macael Awards, organized by the Asociación de Empresarios del Mármol de Andalucía (AEMA) value the quality and know-how of one of the main natural stone industries worldwide, as well as celebrate the ability to convert raw materials into sustainable and innovative solutions, promoting the development of environmentally responsible infrastructures.


Unicaja's support for these awards is part of its interest in supporting activities aimed at promoting business and entrepreneurship in its areas of activity, such as Almería and its province.


The winners in this edition have been:

  • Communication Award: Modesto Barragán, Canal Sur journalist.
  • Sustainability Award: Etown 6 Office Building, in Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam).
  • North America International Award: Tower Pinkster Titus Associates, in Kalamazoo (United States of America).
  • Latin America International Award: private villa of the architect Antonio Lardino, in Panamá City.
  • Africa International Award: comercial building Sandown Mews, in Johannesburg (South Africa).
  • Asia International Award: luxury residence Nupami BD, in Dhaka (Bangladesh).
  • Europe Internationtal Award: Paleis Het Loo Kolen Museum, in the Netherlands.
  • Middle East International Award: residence complex Qaryat Al Hidd, in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates).
  • National Award: da-Ar Arquitectura e Ingepiedra, for the reformation of the former building of El Corte Inglés in Valladolid.
  • Award to the Person: Alfonso Mollinedo Sáenz, from Mollinedo architect studio.
  • Design Award: Hotel El Fuerte, Marbella (Málaga).
  • Excellence Award: Jaime Beriestain Studio.
  • Institucional

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