
FADE, with the collaboration of Unicaja, introduces the new ICO RRF lines to Asturian companies

The bank, which has joined these new ICO lines, maintains its commitment to the Asturian business sector, contributing to promote economic development in the region

08 NOV 2024

3 Min reading

The Federación Asturina de Empresarios (Asturian Federation of Businessowners, FADE), with the collaboration of Unicaja, has organized this Thursday an information day to inform companies about the details of the new ICO Lines of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRF). For this, it has also had the collaboration of the Regional Ministry of Finance and European Funds of the Principality of Asturias and the Official Credit Institute (ICO).


The session, which was attended by around seventy people, was held under the title “Everything you need to know about the new ICO-RRF lines”, with the aim of publicizing the characteristics and specific conditions of each line and the associated instruments, as well as highlighting the key role played by banks in their marketing. In this regard, it should be noted that Unicaja has joined, among others, the new ICO RRF lines 'Businesses and Entrepreneurs' and 'Green', which have been detailed in this conference.


The presentation of the event was attended by the general manager of FADE, Alberto González, and, on behalf of Unicaja, its head of Business Banking-North, José Marcos Fernández.


At the event, the attendees were able to learn, from the Director General of European Affairs of the Principality of Asturias, Raquel García, everything related to the addendum to the Recovery Plan, especially the resources and financial instruments available to companies.


Finally, the head of ICO's Customer Service Area, Carmen Valera, presented the new ICO RRF lines, highlighting the great opportunity that they can represent for Asturian companies and explaining the specific characteristics and conditions of each product and the associated instruments.


These new lines of financing are part of the second phase of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, funded by the European Union, within the Next Generation Funds, which aim to reactivate the European economy by supporting, among other levers of change, sustainability.


The deadline for submitting applications for financing under these ICO RRF Lines is 1 June 2026, and the deadline for formalizing operations is 31 August of that year.


By joining these lines of financing and the support provided through other similar initiatives, Unicaja strengthens its alliance with the public sector and contributes to the economic and social development of its territories of operation, offering its customers sustainable financial products, defined by their environmental, social and governance (ESG) characteristics.



Support to companies, SMES and the self-employed


The development of this event has been carried out thanks to the existing collaboration agreement between FADE and Unicaja, which, in addition to offering special conditions for associated companies, includes the organization of events of interest to the business sector in Asturias, in order to contribute to improving the competitiveness of Asturian companies, under a strategy of sustainability.


Unicaja, committed to the Asturian business fabric, has among its objectives the collaboration with SMEs and the self-employed through the provision of financial products and services essential for the performance of their activities. Therefore, it works to offer them at all times those financial solutions best suited to their needs (digitization, sustainable transformation, etc.), with the aim of promoting their competitiveness.


With a wide range of products and services aimed at companies, SMEs and the self-employed, the bank aims to continue promoting investments, encouraging foreign trade and supporting the expansion and development of strategic projects in the Asturian business sector. These actions are in line with Unicaja's commitment to promote and facilitate economic growth and job creation in its areas of operation.

  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
  • Productos y servicios


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