
Unicaja collaborates with the Race Walk and with the Espada Toledana Cross country race

Around 1,400 athletes participated in the events organized by the Toledo Athletics Club in which Marc Tur and Antía Chamosa were the winners in Race Walking and Aarón de las Heras and Rosalía Tárraga, in Cross Country

11 NOV 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja has collaborated, once again, with the 36th Race Walk and the 45th National Cross Country Race “Espada Toledana”, which took place this weekend in the city of Toledo with around one thousand four hundred participants.


Organized by the Toledo Athletics Club, both events are included in the official calendars of the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation (RFEA) and the Athletics Federation of Castilla-La Mancha (FACLM).


In the Race Walk, which took place on the afternoon of Saturday, 9 November, in the Avenida de la Reconquista, the Balearic Marc Tur and the Galician Antía Chamosa were the winners in Toledo.


In the following positions were José Manuel Pérez Rubio and Álvaro López, in the men's category, while in the women's race, Chamosa was accompanied by Raquel González and Laura García-Caro, also Olympians in Paris 2024.


A day later, on Sunday, in the surroundings of Safont Park, the Cross Country race took place, and the winners were the athletes Aarón de las Heras, Catalan athlete who was ranked 17th and 2nd European in the last World Cross Country Championship in Belgrade, and Rosalía Tárraga from Albacete, also winner of the Castellano-Manchego National Cross Country Race in Quintanar de la Orden on 27 October. The second and third places in the men's category went to Miguel Baidal and Brahim El Ourzadi, and in the women's race, María Ureña and Fedra Luna also reached the podium.


Javier Nicolau, manager of the Unicaja branch in Calle Andalucía in Toledo, was present during the trophy ceremony on behalf of Unicaja. As it is tradition in this race, the first classified received, as a trophy, handmade swords made in Toledo.

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