
New season for Andreu Linares EFS, the futsal school with which Unicaja collaborates

The presentation of the teams was held at the San Marcos Cultural Center in Toledo, among them, the U-14 Regional team, which wears the image of the bank on its kits

11 NOV 2024

2 Min reading

The Andreu Linares Escuela de Fútbol Sala has started a new season with various grassroots categories, from U-12 to U-18, which this year debuts in the División de Honor. Unicaja collaborates with this school from Toledo by sponsoring its U-14 category, which features the bank's image on its kits.


This Friday, the 2024-25 season was publicly presented at the San Marcos Cultural Center in Toledo, during a ceremony attended by the head of the Futsal School, Andreu Linares and institutional representatives, as well as coaches, players and their families. On behalf of Unicaja, Alberto Arcediano and Óscar Aguado, managers of the Toledo branches on Calle Berlín and Calle Méjico, respectively, were present.


International referee Noelia Gutiérrez was also present at the presentation.



U-14 Unicaja Andreu Linares EFS Team


Unicaja collaborates with the U-14 Regional category of the Andreu Linares EFS with the aim of supporting sports in the areas where it operates, in this case Toledo and, by extension, Castilla-La Mancha, as well as promoting healthy habits, especially among the younger population.


Unicaja Andreu Linares EFS is the U-14 team of this school, made up of players born between 2010 and 2011, who compete in the regional children's futsal league.

  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa


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